//Homework #7 //Erica D. Cochran //ericac@andrew.cmu.edu //Section B //Copyright © Erica D. Cochran //September 30, 2009 //Carnegie Mellon University //Exploring Programming with Graphics //Pittsburgh, PA, USA //All Rights Reserved /** Lateral Motion Commands

move away ---- [ a ] ____________ move closer -- [ c ]

move right ---- [ r ] _____________ move left ---- [ l ]

move up ------ [ u ] ____________ move down --- [ d ]

Rotational Motion Commands

rotate left (y axis) ------ [ left arrow ] _____________ rotate right(y axis) --- [ right arrow ]

rotate up (x axis) ------- [ up arrow ] _____________ rotate down (x axis) -- [ down arrow ]

rotate CCW (z axis) --------- [ , ] ____________________ rotate CW (z axis) ------- [ . ]

reset to zero ---------- [space]
*/ // set screen size and init variables width and height: PFont f1; PImage rose; int depth; float xtrans, ytrans, ztrans; float xrot, yrot, zrot; float transDelta, rotDelta; void setup( ) { size( 500, 500, P3D ); background( #04075A ); f1 = loadFont("f1.vlw"); rose = loadImage ("rose.JPG"); depth = height; draw3DInitials (); //moves up, down, right and left xtrans = 0; ytrans = 0; ztrans = 0; //rotates xrot = 0; yrot = 0; zrot = 0; transDelta = 2; rotDelta = 2; } void draw( ) { background( #04075A ); // This moves the (0,0,340) point to the center of the window // Do not remove or alter this line of code translate( width/2, height/2, 0 ); // You MUST call the translate and rotate function here? translate (xtrans, ytrans, ztrans); rotateX (radians (xrot)); rotateY (radians (yrot)); rotateZ (radians (zrot)); // do not alter or move these two function calls! lights( ); drawAxis( ); // Call your funcion(s) here: draw3DInitials (); } void keyPressed( ) { if (key == 'r') { xtrans = xtrans + transDelta; } else if (key == 'l') { xtrans = xtrans - transDelta; } else if (key == 'u') { ytrans = ytrans - transDelta; } else if (key == 'd') { ytrans = ytrans + transDelta; } else if (key == 'c') { ztrans = ztrans + transDelta; } else if (key == 'a') { ztrans = ztrans - transDelta; } else if (keyCode == UP) { xrot = xrot + rotDelta; } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { xrot = xrot - rotDelta; } else if (keyCode == RIGHT) { yrot = yrot + rotDelta; } else if (keyCode == LEFT) { yrot = yrot - rotDelta; } else if (key == ',') { zrot = zrot - rotDelta; } else if (key == '.') { zrot = zrot + rotDelta; } else if (key == ' ') { xtrans = 0; ytrans = 0; ztrans = 0; xrot = 0; yrot = 0; zrot = 0; } } void drawAxis( ) { textFont( f1 ); fill( 255 ); sphere(1); stroke( 255, 0, 0 ); strokeWeight( 1 ); line( -200, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0); text( 'W', -200, 0, 0); text( 'E', 200, 0, 0); stroke( 0, 255, 0 ); line( 0, -200, 0, 0, 200, 0 ); text( 'N', 0, -200, 0); text( 'S', 0, 200, 0); stroke(255, 255, 0 ); line( 0, 0, -200, 0, 0, 200); text( 'B', 0, 0, -200); text( 'F', 0, 0, 200); } void draw3DInitials () { stroke(255,0,0); float xvar, yvar; xvar = 250; yvar = 250; //Long vert part of E pushMatrix(); translate(width*.367-xvar, height*.5-yvar, 0); fill(250,10,10,100); box(.1*width, .667*height, .2*depth); popMatrix(); //Long vert part of E pushMatrix(); translate(width*.367-xvar, height*.5-yvar, -10); fill(250,10,10,245); box(.1*width, .667*height, .05*depth); popMatrix(); //Top horiz extra bar stroke(250,130,5); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.567-xvar, height*.2-yvar, -10); fill(250,130,50,250); box(width*.233, height*.033, depth*.05); popMatrix(); //Begin top horiz stroke(0,0,255); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.433-xvar, height*.2-yvar, 0); fill(10,240,200,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.5-xvar, height*.2-yvar, 0); fill(10,240,200,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.567-xvar, height*.2-yvar, 0); fill(10,240,200,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.63-xvar, height*.2-yvar, 0); fill(10,240,200,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.7-xvar, height*.2-yvar, 0); fill(10,240,200,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); //Middle horiz extra bar stroke(250,130,5); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.5-xvar, height*.5-yvar, -10); fill(250,130,50,250); box(width*.1, height*.033, depth*.05); popMatrix(); //Begin middle horiz stroke(0,0,255); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.433-xvar, height*.5-yvar, 0); fill(10,175,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.5-xvar, height*.5-yvar, 0); fill(10,175,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.567-xvar, height*.5-yvar, 0); fill(10,175,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); //Bottom horiz extra bar stroke(250,130,5); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.567-xvar, height*.8-yvar, -10); fill(250,130,50,250); box(width*.233, height*.033, depth*.05); popMatrix(); //Begin bottom horiz stroke(0,0,255); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.433-xvar, height*.8-yvar, 0); fill(10,60,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.5-xvar, height*.8-yvar, 0); fill(10,60,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.567-xvar, height*.8-yvar, 0); fill(10,60,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.63-xvar, height*.8-yvar, 0); fill(10,60,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(width*.7-xvar, height*.8-yvar, 0); fill(10,60,240,200); box(width*.033, height*.066, depth*.2); popMatrix(); //Image of Rose pushMatrix(); translate(width*.5-(xvar*1.0995), height*.5-(yvar*1.1975), -50); tint (255, 120); image (rose, width*.033, height*.066, width*.033, height*.066); popMatrix(); }