fetch_results($db->runQuery("SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name " . "FROM user_list WHERE confirmation_key='$confirmation_key'")); break; case "error": list($user_id, $login_name) = array_values($_SESSION['form_data']); list($login_name_error, $password_error, $confirm_password_error) = array_values($_SESSION['form_errors']); break; } ?>


Use the form below to enter a login name and password for this site. Your login name can be anything you wish it to be, but passwords must contain both letters and numbers and be at least eight characters long. If you are not , then please contact the web master for assistance.

Error: See Below

There were one or more problems with information that you entered on the previous screens. The form has be re-printed below along with error messages to help you solve these problems. Remember passwords must have both letters and numbers and be at least eight characters long.

You must enter a login name for this site. The name you entered is too long for the database to handle.
Please choose a shorter login name.

You must enter a password for this site. The password you entered was too long.
Please choose a shorter password.

Please confirm your password by entering the same password here as you did above. The password you entered here and the one above, did not match.