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in High School (9th - 12th)?

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The Survey

1. Which event came first in history? ANCIENT HISTORY

The Rosetta Stone, containing ancient inscriptions, is created
Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide in Alexandria
Leif Ericson and the Vikings explore the Canadian coastline and build a settlement called Vinland
The City of Troy falls to Greek warriors, who enter the city by hiding in a huge wooden horse that came to be known as the "Trojan Horse"
Construction of the Great Wall of China begins

2. Which event came first in history?    BAD WAYS TO GO

Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assasinated, giving Austria an excuse to invade Serbia, the act which signified the start of WW I
Abolitionist John Brown is hanged, having been convicted of treason
Leon Trotsky is assasinated with an icepick in his home in Mexico while bathing
President Willliam McKinley is shot and killed
Aaron Burr, then Vice President of the United States, kills Alexander Hamilton in a duel

3. Which event came first in history?      ARTS & LEISURE

The Dick Tracy comic strip is first published
The first film shot in Technicolor (The Gulf Between) is released
Grant Wood introduces his painting American Gothic
John Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath
Orson Welles causes a nationwide scare with his radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds

4. How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?


5. How many people were signers on both the Declaration of Independence AND the Constitution of the United States?


6. This individual became president when William McKinley was assassinated:

Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Benjamin Harrison
Grover Cleveland
James Polk

7. "Common Sense" and "The Rights of Man" were written by:?

Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Paine
William Hardy
Thomas Hobbes
Martin Luther

8. The Bayeux Tapestry chronicles what event that took place in 1066?

The Battle of Waterloo
The Battle of Hastings
The death of Henry VIII
The enthroning of Louis XIV
The creation of the Vatican as a separate city-state

9. The Spanish American War, winning Cuba's independence from Spain, was fought in what year?


10. This group, including Samuel Adams and John Hancock, destroyed British tea shipments in Boston Harbor:

The Liberty Militia
Freedom From Tyranny
Colonists Against Taxation
The Minutemen
Sons of Liberty

11. Who said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country", before being hung as a spy?

John Andre
Nathan Hale
Patrick Henry
Benedict Arnold
James Hudson

12. Which president won the Nobel Peace Prize for resolving the Sino-Japanese War?

Rutherford B. Hayes
James Monroe
Jimmy Carter
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Pierce

13. Who was the first to open his private library up to the public, creating the first public library in the US?

George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Mark Twain
Andrew Carnegie
Thomas Jefferson

14.What did the Anheuser Brewery do during Prohibition to keep from closing down?

Produced "berch" beer
Produced snacks and toilet paper
Produced artillery pieces for WW I
Housed Works Progress Administration (WPA) workers in its facilities
Produced tires

15.Who made Thanksgiving a national holiday?

Abraham Lincoln
John Adams
John Tyler
James Madison
George Washington