Software Quality in Unbounded Networks

Lecture - November 3, 1998

Lecture Notes Taken by: Adam Landman

Finish performance issues
Talk about how we measure performance and what the implications are in networks

We can measure time (response, CPU cycles, communications, etc) and storage by an expression of the form:

C0 + C1N + C2N2 + ... + CmNm
where the C’s are constant
and N is a variable essential to the computation (i.e. nodes on the Internet)

Often, we look at the last non-zero coefficient and say the cost is proportional to this N term.
For example, if the expression has C3, C4, ... Cm =0, then C2 is the highest non-zero coefficient and we say the expression is O(N2).

How do we keep cost down?

It is sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to achieve O(N).
We therefore look for something in between O(N) and O(N2), usually O(N log N)
The table below, shows that N2 increases much larger than N. We also notice that N log N tends to behave like N (and therefore is the preferred solution, if N cannot be achieved).


N log N


log2 N








3 – 4




4 – 5













232 ~ 109


264 ~ 1018


Why are we really concerned about N2?
  Consider distributed computations, such as routing, searching, and chat rooms

What if you are only maintaining a local node, do you still care?
  You care about costs imposed on you to be considered part of the Internet
  You need a router
        What if the router is O(N2), unbounded by the number of nodes in the Internet
        Currently, size of routing tables is N log N
                Many sites further manage costs by dividing by a large C (therefore cut out some information – not
                    routing to some locations)
                This can be achieved by looking at address prefixes, which symbolize geography

How do we compute times of sending messages on the Internet?

Number of messages O(p * messages/person)
    where p = number of people and is O(N) and messages/person is a constant
    therefore Number of messages = O(N)


Average Path Length = O( log N)
    This can be intuitively derived by considering the Internet as a tree. Even if you add additional connections, the Internet is still best represented by a tree, but bounded as a constant.

Cost of Routing
    Processing at each node depends on the size of message (constant)
    Time for hop from node to node is also a constant
    We hope that processing is also a constant / message
Therefore, we will assume cost of routing to be a constant/message

We can then express
    Total Cost = Number of Message * Path Length * Communication Costs * Message Size
   Total Cost = O(N log N)

Therefore cost achievable in a single node
    = O(N log N) / N = O( log N) cost per node

Returning to Architectures

The basic CPU architecture is shown below:

wpe1.gif (3345 bytes)

Several different instructions architectures are used on top of this base CPU architecture, including:


Example 1: Computation on a RISC Machine:

X ß Y[ I+3 ] * (Z – 2)

Step Instruction
1 Mem[I] à Reg A
2 3 à Reg B
3 A + B à A
4 Mem[Y] à B
5 A + B à A (address Y[ I + 3])
6 Mem[A] à A (value of Y[I + 3])
7 Mem[Z] à B
8 A à T (temporary location / other register)
9 2 à A
10 B– A à B
11 T à A
12 A * B à A
13 A à Mem[X]

Summary of RISC computation:
Program Fetches 13 * 32 bits
Data Fetches 5D + 2T

Example 2: Computation on 3 Address Machines:

Note: A 3 Address machine uses 48 bit instructions, consisting of 12 bit operator, 12 bit X operand, 12 bit Y operand, and 12 bit Z operand.

X ß Y[ I+3 ] * (Z – 2)

Step Instruction
1 I + 3 à T1
2 Y[T1] à T1
3 Z – 2 à T2
4 T1 * T2 à Results

Summary of 3A Computation:
Program Fetches 4 * 48 bits
Data Fetches 11D

Homework: Same Computation on a General Registry Machine

Note: A general registry machine uses a 32-bit address, with an 8-bit operator (OP), 4-bit register (Reg), another 4-bit register (I), and a 16-bit address (Add). A typical instruction might look like:

R1 OP Mem[ Add + I ]