Database Management, Course 90-746

Fall 1999


Carnegie Mellon University

The Heinz School of Public Policy and Management

Room: 1001 Hamburg Hall

Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 pm - 4:50 pm

Course web site:


Instructor: Lorna Richey Kearns

Phone: 412-344-2316 (home)


Office: 2105A Hamburg Hall

Office hours: 1:30 - 3:30 Thursday, HBH 2105A


TA: Bonnie Brinton Anderson


Office hours: 1:30 - 3:30 Tuesday, HBH A100


TA: Thaniya Keereepart


Office hours: 1:00 - 3:00 Friday, HBH A100


TA: Preethi Parameswaran


Office hours: 12:30 - 1:30 Tuesday and 3:00 - 4:00 Monday, HBH A100



·  Required Texts

·  Course Description

·  Course Modules

·  Assignments

·  Late Assignment Policy

·  Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism


Required Texts


Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg, and Anne Strachan. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management. 2nd Edition. Harlow, England. Addison-Wesley. 1999.


Lockman, David. Teach Yourself Oracle8 Database Development in 21 Days. Indianapolis, Indiana. SAMS Publishing. 1997.


Course Description


The goal of this course is to provide the student with an introduction to database management systems. There are two major learning objectives: 1) to understand the underlying concepts, history, and issues involved in database design and management and 2) to develop the skills necessary to design and implement a simple database system and user interface.


In pursuit of the former objective, we will cover the history of database management systems, including the evolution of the three major models – hierarchical, network, and relational. We will look at the components that make up a database system and the purposes database systems are designed to accomplish. We’ll discuss the goals and phases of the logical and physical design processes and we will learn about some of the important issues involved in database implementation, e.g., database integrity and transaction management.


To achieve the second objective, we will learn how to develop an entity-relationship model of a database system, map that model to a database schema, and then refine the schema according to the principles of functional dependencies and normalization. We will learn to use SQL to create and query the tables of a database schema. We’ll work in the computer lab with Personal Oracle 7 for database design and Developer/2000 for user interface design.


Course Module


Module 1 – Modeling


Within this module, we will cover the history and foundations of the relational database approach. We will learn how to develop an entity-relationship model as a first step in designing our database. From that model, we’ll move on to creating a database schema. We’ll then apply principles of functional dependencies and normalization to refine our schema. Once we have a refined schema, we can begin to think about how we will implement it using a database management system.


Module 2 – Implementation


In this module, we’ll learn SQL, the standard relational database language for creating and managing database tables. We’ll have some classroom sessions learning the basics of SQL and then go into the computer lab for several hands-on sessions, creating and manipulating tables using Personal Oracle 7. Within this module, we’ll also cover user interface and application issues involved with deploying a database system. In the lab, we’ll use Oracle Developer/2000 to create some simple user applications to access various data in the database.


Module 3 – Management


In this module, we’ll examine and discuss issues involved with managing and maintaining an operational database. We will cover topics like file organization and structure, database security, transaction management, and query processing.




Assignment 1 - Draw an ER Diagram               


Assignment 2 - Map an ER Diagram to a schema         


Assignment 3 - Normalization                                      


Assignment 4 – Oracle SQL                                        


Assignment 5 – Oracle forms                                       


Mid-term exam                                                


Final exam                                                       






Late assignment policy


For any assignment turned in late, the grade for the assignment will be a lowered a letter grade unless the student has made arrangements with me prior to the assignment's due date.


Policy on cheating and plagiarism


I expect you to do your own work on the assignments and exams. For any assignment found to be the partial or complete result of cheating or plagiarism, your grade for that assignment will be zero.


last modified: August 26, 1999 by thaniya