Database Management, 90-746, Assignment 5

Creating a Form with Developer/2000

Due: Tuesday, November 23, 1999


For this assignment, you will create a form using Developer/2000. Your form will be based on the EMP and DEPT tables that come as default tables with all the Personal Oracle installations. If your computer does not have the EMP and DEPT tables, you can download them from the course web site ( by clicking on the link for Assignment 5.


The file you create for this form should be named EMP_DEPT. It will be a master detail form with the DEPT block as the master and the EMP block as the detail. The master block, DEPT, should have a form, vertical layout and appear at the top of the form. It should also have a button palette. The detail block, EMP, should have a tabular, vertical layout. It should be capable of displaying 7 records at a time and of being scrolled. Both blocks should enforce integrity constraints.


When the form is run, you should be able to query on any of the data values in either the DEPT or EMP tables. You should also be able to use the form to enter a new row in the DEPT table or a new row in the EMP table.


When entering a new row in the EMP table, use an LOV for the value in the MGR column. The allowable values for this column are the employee numbers of employees who already manage other employees, i.e., their employee number appears in the MGR column of the EMP table. The rows of the LOV should display employee number, name, and department number ordered by department number and employee number. You will need to craft the appropriate SELECT statement to create the record group that will return these values. Be sure to make whatever changes you need to make in the LOV’s column mapping so that the values are displayed neatly with meaningful column headings.


Your finished form should have a similar look to the form shown on page 367 in our Lockman lab book. Use this list as a checklist for the way your form should look:


·        The button palette should be at the top of the form in the master block

·        The form should have meaningful labels. For example, the label for Dname should be Department Name.

·        The labels should be in the 10-point, MS Sans Serif font

·        The default rectangles around the blocks should be removed and replaced with an inset beveled rectangle around each block

·        The fields and labels in the master block should be aligned vertically to one another, with fields and their accompanying labels also aligned

·        The labels in the detail block should be center aligned on top of each corresponding column and the columns should be aligned with one another and distributed evenly

·        Be sure the navigation sequence from field to field is correct, i.e., when you tab through the form, you should be tabbing from top to bottom, left to right




For those of you who does not have table EMP and table DEPT on your computer,

you can download the dmp file from here. To import this file, make sure you save it in c:\users\ directory. Then at command prompt, issue the following statement:


IMP73 scott/tiger file=c:\users\empdept.dmp




What to hand in:


You will hand in a floppy disk containing your EMP_DEPT.FMB file. Please label the disk with your name and the assignment number.