Practice Exam 2: Child Development

1. Describe three (3) things that a director of a daycare center could do to help ensure the healthy social, emotional, and intellectual development of an infant. For each item, describe or explain why that action would be good for the development of the child.

Item 1:


Item 2:


Item 3:

2. Give an example of each of the following:

a. Overextension:


b: Underextension:


c: whole-object principle:


d: Holophrases:


3. Give an example of how a preschooler might act or react in the following situations and explain why (that is, what kind of thinking is driving the behavior)

a. Seeing his father in a monster costume




b. Describing an object to someone on the telephone




c. Having her juice poured from a short fat glass to a tall, skinny glass.



4. Define fast-mapping. Describe two principles that young children could be using that make fast-mapping possible.

a. Fast-mapping:


b. Principle:



c. Principle:



5. What is horizontal decalage? Name two (2) of the developmental frameworks and describe how they explain horizontal decalage.

a. Horizontal Decalage:



b. Framework:




c. Framework:



6. For each of the following time periods, list a major language characteristic.

a. Birth:

b. 3 months:

c. 9 months:

d. 18 months:

e. 3-4 yrs.

7. Describe one piece of evidence that supports the notion that temperament is genetically determined and one piece that supports the environment as a critical factor in temperament.

Genetically determined:





8. What is the basic idea of Freud's drive reduction theory of attachment? Describe a study and result that strongly contradicts Freud's theory.

a. Drive Reduction Theory:


b. Evidence against:


9. List two (2) factors that contribute to gender differences in behavior and give an example of each. (Be specific in your examples- saying "brain differences" or "environment" is too vague)

a. Factor 1:



b. Factor 2:



10. Explain how testosterone can be considered both a cause and an effect of aggressive behavior.

a. Cause:


b. Effect:


11. Give an example of each of the following types of aggression.

a. Instrumental


b. Hostile


c. Relational


12. Describe a typical preschooler's response to a peer crying. How can preschoolers' cognitive development explain the nature of their empathetic responses

a. Response:



b. Explanation:


13. Describe the steps in the Strange Situation. At each step, how would a securely attached child respond?

Steps. (List by number)






Securely attached response.