Required Assignment #2
Opinions in the Media
Use your favorite search engine to find some opinions and editorial comments on the Enron case. Below are just two items that represent a wide disparity on the case. Find others that agree with either of these, disagree with them or fall somewhere in the middle. Choose either one of the following opinions or one that you found in your web search.
"White Collar Criminals: Enough Is Enough," by Clinton Leaf, March 18, 2002,Fortune Magazine:
“Enron Ethics,” by Robert Tracinski, January 28, 2002, CAPITALISMMAGAZINE.COM:
Now, in an extended essay of at least five email length pages (more or less 10 paragraphs), discuss whether you agreeor disagree with the opinion of the item that you selected. In your essay be sure to use appropriate aspects of our VCR approach to ethics.