logoMitsubishi says its salt factory wont hurt gray whales
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Save Our Whales!

Take Action
The Threat
Gray Whales
IFAW's Part

The Mitsubishi Corporation, in a joint commercial venture with the government of Mexico called Exportadora de Sal, S. A. (ESSA), has proposed to build the world’s largest salt factory at Laguna San Ignacio, on the Pacific coast of Mexico’s Baja California peninsula.

Laguna San Ignacio is the last pristine Pacific gray whale nursery in the world, and is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve.

To date, the facts have been ignored by Mitsubishi. The time to act is now to take action to tell them to do the right thing and preserve this unique place for generations to come.

For the latest campaign news and reports, click here.

Upcoming Campaign Events:


  • November 6, 1999:
    Mitsubishi Auto Dealer in the Roseville Automall -- Leaflet and show signs.

  • November 5, 1999:
    Union Bank on L Street -- Leaflet and display banners.

  • November 4, 1999:
    Union Bank on Watt Ave., Sacramento -- Leaflet and display banners.

  • November 3, 1999:
    Mitsubishi Auto Dealership, Folsom Blvd, Sacramento -- Leaflet and display banners.

La Coalición Internacional para la Defensa de la Laguna de San IgnacioVisit La Coalición Internacional para la Defensa de la Laguna de San Ignacio Website

Take Action
IFAW International Fund For Animal Welfare

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