Arthur Danto on Defining Art

I. Failures of Earlier Definitions of Art

>     A. Warholšs Counter-Example

>     >     1. Brillo Box. Neither Representation nor Expression

>     >     2. Identical to an Ordinary Brillo Box

>     >     3. Different from an Ordinary Brillo Box

>     >     4. The Importance of Pop Art

>     B. Andy Warhol, the most Important Artist to Graduate from CMU

>     >     1. Survey of His Career

>     >     2. Some Readings from His Publications

>     C. Danto's Philosophical System

>     >     1. Descartes on Dreams

>     >     2. Hume on Causality

>     >     3. Russell on History

>     >     4. Nietzsche on Tragedy

>     >     5. Turing on Computers

>     >     6. The Theory of Action

>     D. Warhol and the End of Art History

>     >     1. What Makes Brillo Box a Work of Art

>     >     2. Art in Modern Mass Culture

>     E. European Philosophy and Indian Philosophy

>     F. The Unity of Philosophy

Dantošs account of Indian philosophy is Mysticism and Logic. His philosophical system appears in Connections to the World and his aesthetics in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace. These books, in the library, are available in paperback.