Debugging Lab Open a terminal window in your HW11 or HW12 directory. Run: $ node --inspect app.js You will see a message something like: Debugger listening on ws:// For help see Listening on http://localhost:50000/ In Chrome, connect DevTools to node. - Go to the URL chrome://inspect - Click on "inspect" under the app.js remote target - Notice you are in a "console" for node - type "process.argv" and you will see the node program you are in. - Click on the "Sources" tab, the "Filesystem" subtab and "Add folder to workspace" to tie the debugger to your source code directory - Now you can browse your code Experiment: - Visit your welcome page (e.g. index.html) - Create/PUT a record into your app. - Set a breakpoint on the client before the ajax request for Retrieve/GET - Set a breakpoint on the client in the first line of your response (success) handler. - Set a breakpoint on the server within the Retrieve/GET route handler BEFORE your model is called - Initiate a user request to Retrieve/GET from the initial web page - Display variables being used for the ajax request - Clarify in your mind: is this breakpoint on the client or server? - (It is on the client.) - "Resume" execution - Your server should then hit the breakpoint you set. - Display the request.param values - "Step over" the function call to your model - Display the values returned from your model - Change one of the values returned from your model - "Resume" execution - Your client should now have hit the breakpoint in the response handler - Display the values in the ajax response. - "Resume" execution - Confirm that the value you changed from the model is displayed Update your code from within DevTools - Edit a JavaScript module in a simple way that does not break it (e.g. change a string that is returned). - "Save" the change - Confirm that the change was made to the filesystem (with another editor). - Notice that node was implicitly restarted (like nodemon does). - Revisit the route from the client browser window and confirm the changed response. Practice the following debugger actions: - Setting a breakpoint - Inspecting the value of a variable - Changing the value of a variable within the Scope tab - Changing the value of a variable by the console - Running a function (e.g. a model function) from the console Network tab: - Change to the Network tab on the client - Select the last ajax request - What was the HTTP response status code? - What is the value of the X-Powered-By response header? - Show the HTTP response body Once you can do all this easily and quickly demonstrate to a TA today (or during office hours before the end of Friday Nov 3.) 1. Setting a breakpoint in the client 2. Setting a breakpoint in the server 3. Hitting the breakpoints by visiting a URL 4. Inspecting values of variable on client and server 5. Changing variable values on the server