Peer Review #2

Homework 4 - 6


Software Design & Engineering




Your Name: _________________________________________ Team Number: ____________

(list on back)

The results of this review will be used to adjust each individual's scores for the last three homework assignments.

Complete the following:

List all team members (including yourself)

% of work is your estimate of the percentage of the total effort for all three assignments completed by that person. Should total 100%.

For the final four items, please rate each team member using the following scale

4 - Excellent, 3 - Good, 2 - Fair, 1 - Poor

Suggestions/Ideas - presents useful ideas to the team; builds on other's ideas creatively; not afraid to offer unconventional ideas; constructively questions other's assumptions and ideas

Effort/Quality - actively participates and attends all meetings; completes agreed to tasks and activities; does quality work (little or no rework required); reviews the work of others

Leadership - Good team leader - organizes, schedules, and completes work OR good team follower - keeps to schedule, takes lead when necessary

Overall - Taking all things (including those beyond the three listed above) into account, rate this person's participation and effort towards completing the homework assignments.



Team Members

% of


4 = excellent; 3 = good, 2 = fair, 1 = poor

Suggestions Ideas



