from visual import * from time import clock print """ Bruce Sherwood Fall 2000 A model of an ideal gas with hard-sphere collisions. One atom is tracked; its mean-free path is determined more by the size of the container than by the gas density. Click to start the motion. Program uses Numeric Python arrays for high speed computations. """ win=600 Natoms = 75 # change this to have more or fewer atoms 5# Typical values L = 1. # container is a cube L on a side gray = (0.7,0.7,0.7) # color of edges of container Raxes = 0.005 # radius of lines drawn on edges of cube Matom = 4E-3/6E23 # helium mass Ratom = 0.03 # wildly exaggerated size of helium atom k = 1.4E-23 # Boltzmann constant T = 300. # around room temperature dt = 1E-5 scene = display(title="Gas", width=win, height=win, x=0, y=0, range=L, center=(L/2.,L/2.,L/2.)) xaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (L,0,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) yaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (0,L,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) zaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (0,0,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) xaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (0,L,L), (0,0,L), (L,0,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) yaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (L,0,L), (L,0,0), (L,L,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) zaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (L,L,0), (0,L,0), (0,L,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes) Atoms = [] colors = [,,, color.yellow, color.cyan, color.magenta] poslist = [] plist = [] mlist = [] rlist = [] for i in range(Natoms): Lmin = 1.1*Ratom Lmax = L-Lmin x = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() y = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() z = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random() r = Ratom Atoms = Atoms+[sphere(pos=(x,y,z), radius=r,] mass = Matom*r**3/Ratom**3 pavg = sqrt(2.*mass*1.5*k*T) # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT theta = pi*random() phi = 2*pi*random() px = pavg*sin(theta)*cos(phi) py = pavg*sin(theta)*sin(phi) pz = pavg*cos(theta) poslist.append((x,y,z)) plist.append((px,py,pz)) mlist.append(mass) rlist.append(r) tag = randint(0,Natoms-1) Atoms[tag].color = color.cyan trail = curve(color=Atoms[tag].color) pos = array(poslist) p = array(plist) m = array(mlist) m.shape = (Natoms,1) # Numeric Python: (1 by Natoms) vs. (Natoms by 1) radius = array(rlist) t = 0.0 Nsteps = 0 pos = pos+(p/m)*(dt/2.) # initial half-step scene.mouse.getclick() time = clock() while 1: # Update all positions pos = pos+(p/m)*dt r = pos-pos[:,NewAxis] # all pairs of atom-to-atom vectors rmag = sqrt(add.reduce(r*r,-1)) # atom-to-atom scalar distances hit = less_equal(rmag,radius+radius[:,NewAxis])-identity(Natoms) hitlist = sort(nonzero(hit.flat)).tolist() # i,j encoded as i*Natoms+j # If any collisions took place: for ij in hitlist: i, j = divmod(ij,Natoms) # decode atom pair hitlist.remove(j*Natoms+i) # remove symmetric j,i pair from list ptot = p[i]+p[j] mi = m[i,0] mj = m[j,0] vi = p[i]/mi vj = p[j]/mj ri = Atoms[i].radius rj = Atoms[j].radius a = mag(vj-vi)**2 if a == 0: continue # exactly same velocities b = 2*dot(pos[i]-pos[j],vj-vi) c = mag(pos[i]-pos[j])**2-(ri+rj)**2 d = b**2-4.*a*c if d < 0: continue # something wrong; ignore this rare case deltat = (-b+sqrt(d))/(2.*a) # t-deltat is when they made contact pos[i] = pos[i]-(p[i]/mi)*deltat # back up to contact configuration pos[j] = pos[j]-(p[j]/mj)*deltat mtot = mi+mj pcmi = p[i]-ptot*mi/mtot # transform momenta to cm frame pcmj = p[j]-ptot*mj/mtot rrel = norm(pos[j]-pos[i]) pcmi = pcmi-2*dot(pcmi,rrel)*rrel # bounce in cm frame pcmj = pcmj-2*dot(pcmj,rrel)*rrel p[i] = pcmi+ptot*mi/mtot # transform momenta back to lab frame p[j] = pcmj+ptot*mj/mtot pos[i] = pos[i]+(p[i]/mi)*deltat # move forward deltat in time pos[j] = pos[j]+(p[j]/mj)*deltat # Bounce off walls outside = less_equal(pos,Ratom) # walls closest to origin p1 = p*outside p = p-p1+abs(p1) # force p component inward outside = greater_equal(pos,L-Ratom) # walls farther from origin p1 = p*outside p = p-p1-abs(p1) # force p component inward # Update positions of display objects for i in range(Natoms): Atoms[i].pos = pos[i] trail.append(pos=Atoms[tag].pos) Nsteps = Nsteps+1 t = t+dt ## if Nsteps == 50: ## print '%3.1f seconds for %d steps with %d Atoms' % (clock()-time, Nsteps, Natoms) ## rate(30)