from visual import * print """ Bruce Sherwood, Fall 2000 First display is a baseball moving in a vacuum. Click to see the baseball move through air at sea level. """ scene.width=800 scene.height=600 scene.x=scene.y=0 g = 9.8 L = 250. R = 0.035 C = 0.35 thick = 1. density = 1.3 # kg/m**3 ball = sphere(pos=(10,0,0), radius=20.*R, color=color.white) ballnoair = sphere(pos=(10,0,0), radius=20.*R, field = box(pos=(L/2.,-thick/2.,0), size=(L,thick,L/4.), = vector(0.45*L,0,0) scene.forward = -vector(-L/4.,L/4.,L) ball.m = ballnoair.m = 0.155 v0 = 100.*1600./3600. # 100 mph theta0 = 45.*2.*pi/360. # 45 degrees ball.p = ballnoair.p = ball.m*vector(v0*cos(theta0),v0*sin(theta0),0) ball.trail = curve(color=ball.color, radius=ball.radius) ballnoair.trail = curve(color=ballnoair.color, radius=ballnoair.radius) Fgrav = vector(0,-ball.m*g,0) dt = 0.01 for b in [ballnoair, ball]: t = 0. while b.y >= 0: rate(300) if b == ball: F = Fgrav-0.5*C*density*pi*R**2*mag(b.p/b.m)**2*norm(b.p/b.m) else: F = Fgrav b.p = b.p+F*dt b.pos = b.pos+(b.p/b.m)*dt b.trail.append(pos=b.pos) t = t+dt scene.mouse.getclick()