#ifndef _FMOD_ERRORS_H #define _FMOD_ERRORS_H static char *FMOD_ErrorString(int errcode) { switch (errcode) { case FMOD_ERR_NONE: return "No errors"; case FMOD_ERR_BUSY: return "Cannot call this command after FSOUND_Init. Call FSOUND_Close first."; case FMOD_ERR_UNINITIALIZED: return "This command failed because FSOUND_Init was not called"; case FMOD_ERR_PLAY: return "Playing the sound failed."; case FMOD_ERR_INIT: return "Error initializing output device."; case FMOD_ERR_ALLOCATED: return "The output device is already in use and cannot be reused."; case FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_FORMAT: return "Soundcard does not support the features needed for this soundsystem (16bit stereo output)"; case FMOD_ERR_COOPERATIVELEVEL: return "Error setting cooperative level for hardware."; case FMOD_ERR_CREATEBUFFER: return "Error creating hardware sound buffer."; case FMOD_ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND: return "File not found"; case FMOD_ERR_FILE_FORMAT: return "Unknown file format"; case FMOD_ERR_FILE_BAD: return "Error loading file"; case FMOD_ERR_MEMORY: return "Not enough memory "; case FMOD_ERR_VERSION: return "The version number of this file format is not supported"; case FMOD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: return "An invalid parameter was passed to this function"; case FMOD_ERR_NO_EAX: return "Tried to use an EAX command on a non EAX enabled channel or output."; case FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_ALLOC: return "Failed to allocate a new channel"; case FMOD_ERR_RECORD: return "Recording not supported on this device"; case FMOD_ERR_MEDIAPLAYER: return "Required Mediaplayer codec is not installed"; default : return "Unknown error"; }; }; #endif