15-441 Project 2 Timeline
  • Feb 13th - Assignment is released. Start reading, exploring the simulation environment, and planning out your implementation.
  • Feb 19th - You should understand the assignment, the simulation environment, what code you need to write and how that interfaces with the simulator.
  • Feb 23rd - Functions for adjusting the routing table (rt_add, rt_delete, rt_change, etc.) should be functioning such that fdconfig works reliably.
  • Feb 27th - The IP layer (ip_input, ip_output, etc.) should be functioning. Sending a file to unreliable_server from unreliable_client should work.
  • Mar 6th - routed should be functioning. Your project should be complete. This allows you two days to relax, test, document, clean-up, and make it a project "That you're proud of".
  • Mar 8th 11:59pm - Your code should be handed in.