15-441 Project 2 -- Checkpoint 1

Checkpoint 1 is worth potentially 5 total points out of 100 towards Project 2. The work started here, when completed, will be worth 40 total points out of 100. To receive the points and begin working on Project 2 you must:

Useful Resources:
  1. Full REQ/RESP protocol definition for RD <--> Web Application
  1. Find a project partner
  2. Read and understand the entire project statement.
  3. Get the new starter package from here.
  4. The starter package includes along with other files, a new index.html and some static files. The index.html has two new webforms.
  5. Use the default webserver that comes with Flask. Do not use your Liso webserver from Project 1.
  6. Implement a flask web application
  7. Implement parts of the routing daemon

Files we expect to see in your submission: