// RPC layer. Thread per request. Client thread performs retransmissions // chan.cc sends and receive PDUs from network #include "rpc.h" #include "method_thread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include rpcc::rpcc(sockaddr_in _dst, bool _debug) : dst(_dst), debug(_debug), xid(1), svr_nonce(0), bind_done(false), chan(_dst, _debug), _vivaldi(NULL), destroy_wait (false) { assert(pthread_mutex_init(&m, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_init(&_timeout_lock, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_init(&_timeout_cond, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_init(&destroy_wait_c, 0) == 0); _next_timeout.tv_sec = 0; // Create a thread that runs clock_loop to enable retransmissions // ** YOU FILL THIS IN FOR LAB 1 ** if((th_chan_loop = method_thread(this, false, &rpcc::chan_loop)) == 0){ perror("rpcc::rpcc pthread_create"); exit(1); } // set clt_nonce to a random number to make this instance unique struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom(tv.tv_sec ^ (tv.tv_usec << 12) ^ (getpid() << 4)); clt_nonce = random(); xid_rep_window.push_back(0); if (debug) printf("rpcc: my nonce %d\n", clt_nonce); } rpcc::~rpcc() { if (debug) printf("~rpcc\n"); assert(pthread_cancel(th_clock_loop) == 0); assert(pthread_cancel(th_chan_loop) == 0); assert(pthread_join(th_clock_loop, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_join(th_chan_loop, NULL) == 0); calls.clear(); xid_rep_window.clear(); assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&m) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&_timeout_lock) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_destroy(&_timeout_cond) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_destroy(&destroy_wait_c) == 0); if (debug) printf("~rpcc done\n"); } void rpcc::setlossy(bool x) { if (x) chan.setlossy(); else chan.setlossy(0); } void rpcc::cancel(void) { assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); std::map::iterator iter; for(iter = calls.begin(); iter != calls.end(); iter++){ caller *ca = iter->second; if (debug) printf ("cancel: force caller to fail\n"); assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->m) == 0); ca->done = true; ca->intret = rpc_const::cancel_failure; assert(pthread_cond_signal(&ca->c) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->m) == 0); } while (calls.size () > 0) { destroy_wait = true; assert(pthread_cond_wait(&destroy_wait_c,&m) == 0); } assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); } // bind this rpc to a rpcs instance; should be done exactly once. // necessary to ensure at-most-once RPC semantics. int rpcc::bind(TO to) { int r; int ret = call(rpc_const::bind, 0, r, to); if (ret == 0) { assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); svr_nonce = r; bind_done = true; assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); } return ret; }; rpcc::caller::caller(int xxid, unmarshall *xun, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port) : xid(xxid), un(xun), done(false), other_ip(ip), other_port(port) { assert(pthread_cond_init(&c, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_init(&m, 0) == 0); } rpcc::caller::~caller() { assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&m) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_destroy(&c) == 0); } const rpcc::TO rpcc::to_inf = { -1 }; /* Subtract the `struct timeval' values X and Y, storing the result in RESULT. Return 1 if the difference is negative, otherwise 0. */ // taken from http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/glibc/libc_428.html int timeval_subtract (struct timeval *result, struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y) { struct timeval y2 = *y; /* Perform the carry for the later subtraction by updating y. */ if (x->tv_usec < y2.tv_usec) { int nsec = (y2.tv_usec - x->tv_usec) / 1000000 + 1; y2.tv_usec -= 1000000 * nsec; y2.tv_sec += nsec; } if (x->tv_usec - y2.tv_usec > 1000000) { int nsec = (x->tv_usec - y2.tv_usec) / 1000000; y2.tv_usec += 1000000 * nsec; y2.tv_sec -= nsec; } /* Compute the time remaining to wait. tv_usec is certainly positive. */ result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y2.tv_sec; result->tv_usec = x->tv_usec - y2.tv_usec; /* Return 1 if result is negative. */ return x->tv_sec < y2.tv_sec; } // This function is required for operation in a VM where two // successive gettimeofday() calls are not guaranteed to be // increasing. int timeval_subtract_positive (struct timeval *result, struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y) { int ret = timeval_subtract(result, x, y); if (ret == 1) { // Make the smallest positive difference. result->tv_sec = 0; result->tv_usec = 1; ret = 0; } return ret; } void add_timeout(struct timeval a, int b, struct timespec *result, struct timeval *result_tv) { // convert to millisec, add timeout, convert back long double msec = (a.tv_sec*1000.0 + a.tv_usec/1000.0)+b*1.0; result->tv_sec = (long) (msec/1000); result->tv_nsec = ((long) ((msec-((long double) result->tv_sec*1000.0))*1000))*1000; result_tv->tv_sec = result->tv_sec; result_tv->tv_usec = result->tv_nsec/1000; } int rpcc::call1(unsigned int proc, const marshall &req, unmarshall &rep, TO to) { assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); if ((proc != rpc_const::bind && !bind_done) || (proc == rpc_const::bind && bind_done)) { fprintf(stderr, "rpcc::call1 rpcc has not been bound to server or binding twice\n"); assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); return rpc_const::bind_failure; } if (destroy_wait) { assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); return rpc_const::cancel_failure; } unsigned int myxid = xid++; marshall m1; caller ca(myxid, &rep, dst.sin_addr.s_addr, dst.sin_port); calls[myxid] = &ca; // add RPC fields before req m1 << clt_nonce << svr_nonce << proc << myxid << xid_rep_window.front() << req.str(); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); struct timeval first; gettimeofday(&first, NULL); struct timeval last = first; int initial_rto = 250; // initial timeout (msec) int rto = initial_rto; int next_rto = rto; struct timespec deadline; struct timeval deadline_tv; if(to.to != -1) { add_timeout(first, to.to, &deadline, &deadline_tv); } assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&ca.m) == 0); struct timeval now, diff; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); while(1){ if(ca.done) break; assert(timeval_subtract_positive(&diff, &now, &last) == 0); // must be positive long double diff_msec = diff.tv_sec*1000.0 + diff.tv_usec/1000.0; if(diff_msec >= rto || next_rto == initial_rto){ rto = next_rto; if(rto != initial_rto) if (debug) printf("rpcc::call1 retransmit proc %x xid %d %s:%d\n", proc, myxid, inet_ntoa(dst.sin_addr), ntohs(dst.sin_port)); chan.send(m1.str()); gettimeofday(&last, NULL); // increase rxmit timer for next time next_rto *= 2; if(next_rto > 128000) next_rto = 128000; } // rexmit deadline struct timespec my_deadline; struct timeval my_deadline_tv; add_timeout(last, rto, &my_deadline, &my_deadline_tv); // my next deadline is either for rxmit or timeout if(to.to != -1 && timeval_subtract(&diff, &deadline_tv, &my_deadline_tv) > 0) { my_deadline = deadline; my_deadline_tv = deadline_tv; } assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&_timeout_lock) == 0); struct timeval nt_tv; nt_tv.tv_sec = _next_timeout.tv_sec; nt_tv.tv_usec = _next_timeout.tv_nsec/1000; if(_next_timeout.tv_sec == 0 || timeval_subtract(&diff, &my_deadline_tv, &nt_tv) > 0){ _next_timeout = my_deadline; pthread_cond_signal(&_timeout_cond); } assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&_timeout_lock) == 0); // wait for reply or timeout assert(pthread_cond_wait(&ca.c, &ca.m) == 0); // user-specified timeout occurred gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if(!ca.done && to.to != -1){ if(timeval_subtract(&diff, &deadline_tv, &now) > 0) break; } } int intret = ca.done ? ca.intret : rpc_const::timeout_failure; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca.m); assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); calls.erase(myxid); if (destroy_wait) { assert(pthread_cond_signal(&destroy_wait_c) == 0); } assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); return intret; } // listen for replies, hand to xid's waiting rpcc::call(). void rpcc::chan_loop() { th_chan_loop = pthread_self(); int oldstate; assert(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate) == 0); while(1){ std::string s = chan.recv(); unmarshall rep(s); got_reply(rep); } } // periodically wakes up all callers so they can think // about retransmitting. void rpcc::clock_loop() { th_clock_loop = pthread_self(); int oldstate; assert(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate) == 0); while(1){ // if there are no timeouts, wake until there is one assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&_timeout_lock) == 0); bool signalled = false; pthread_cleanup_push(&rpcc::cleanup_timeout_lock, (void *) &_timeout_lock); if(_next_timeout.tv_sec == 0){ pthread_cond_wait(&_timeout_cond, &_timeout_lock); signalled = true; } else { signalled = (pthread_cond_timedwait(&_timeout_cond, &_timeout_lock, &_next_timeout) != ETIMEDOUT); } pthread_cleanup_pop(0); // if we were signalled to be woken up, that means our timeout value // was set to something new, so we just need to wait again, and not // bother waking everyone up if(!signalled) _next_timeout.tv_sec = 0; assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&_timeout_lock) == 0); if(signalled) continue; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); std::map::iterator iter; for(iter = calls.begin(); iter != calls.end(); iter++){ caller *ca = iter->second; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->m) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_broadcast(&ca->c) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->m) == 0); } assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); } } void rpcc::got_reply(unmarshall &rep) { int xid, intret; rep >> xid; if(!rep.ok()) return; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); if(calls.count(xid) < 1){ assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); return; } caller *ca = calls[xid]; update_xid_rep(xid); assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&ca->m) == 0); rep >> intret; ca->un->str(rep.istr()); ca->intret = intret; ca->done = true; assert(pthread_cond_broadcast(&ca->c) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&ca->m) == 0); // Wait until down here to unlock the global lock. This avoids the // case where got_reply() gets the caller from the map and locks ca->m, // then call1() erases the caller from the map and tries to destroy the // caller object before ca->m is unlocked, causing disaster. assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); } // assumes thread holds mutex m // For LAB 1: Understand what this code is doing: // What invariant does this function try to maintain for xid_rep_window? // What does xid_rep_window.front() represent? // This should help you understand what RPCs you can 'forget about'. void rpcc::update_xid_rep(unsigned int xid) { std::list::iterator it; if (xid <= xid_rep_window.front()) { return; } for (it = xid_rep_window.begin(); it != xid_rep_window.end(); it++) { if (*it > xid) { xid_rep_window.insert(it, xid); goto compress; } } xid_rep_window.push_back(xid); compress: it = xid_rep_window.begin(); for (it++; it != xid_rep_window.end(); it++) { if (xid_rep_window.front() + 1 == *it) xid_rep_window.pop_front(); } } rpcs::rpcs(unsigned int port, bool _debug) : debug (_debug), chan(port, _debug), _vivaldi(NULL), nthread(0), deleting(false), counting(0) { assert(pthread_mutex_init(&procs_m, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_init(&reply_window_m, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_init(&delete_m, 0) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_init(&delete_c, 0) == 0); // set server nonce to a random value to make this instance unique struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srandom(tv.tv_usec); nonce = random(); char *count_env = getenv("RPC_COUNT"); if(count_env != NULL){ counting = atoi(count_env); } if((th_loop = method_thread(this, false, &rpcs::loop)) == 0){ perror("rpcs::rpcs pthread_create"); exit(1); } reg(rpc_const::bind, this, &rpcs::bind); } rpcs::~rpcs() { if (debug) printf("~rpcs\n"); assert (pthread_cancel(th_loop) == 0); assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&delete_m) == 0); deleting = true; while (nthread > 0) { if (debug) printf("~rpcs: wait for handlers\n"); assert (pthread_cond_wait(&delete_c, &delete_m) == 0); } assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&delete_m) == 0); pthread_join(th_loop, NULL); free_reply_window(); assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&delete_m) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_destroy(&delete_c) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&reply_window_m) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&procs_m) == 0); if (debug) printf("~rpcs done\n"); } void rpcs::inc_nthread() { assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&delete_m) == 0); nthread++; assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&delete_m) == 0); assert (pthread_cond_signal(&delete_c) == 0); } void rpcs::dec_nthread() { assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&delete_m) == 0); nthread--; assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&delete_m) == 0); assert (pthread_cond_signal(&delete_c) == 0); } void rpcs::setlossy(bool x) { if (x) chan.setlossy(); else chan.setlossy(0); } handler::handler() { } void rpcs::reg1(unsigned int proc, handler *h) { assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&procs_m) == 0); assert(procs.count(proc) == 0); procs[proc] = h; assert(procs.count(proc) >= 1); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&procs_m) == 0); } void rpcs::updatestat(unsigned int proc) { counts[proc]++; counting--; if( counting == 0 ) { std::map::iterator i; printf( "RPC STATS: " ); for( i = counts.begin(); i != counts.end(); i++ ) { printf( "%x:%d ", i->first, i->second ); } printf("\n"); char *count_env = getenv("RPC_COUNT"); if(count_env != NULL){ counting = atoi(count_env); } } } void rpcs::dispatch(junk *j) { std::string xreq = j->s; int channo = j->chan; delete j; unmarshall req(xreq); int clt_nonce = req.i32(); int srv_nonce = req.i32(); unsigned int proc = req.i32(); unsigned int xid = req.i32(); unsigned int rep_xid = req.i32(); unmarshall args(req.istr()); marshall rep; marshall rep1; int ret; handler *h; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&procs_m) == 0); if(!req.ok() || procs.count(proc) < 1){ assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&procs_m) == 0); if (debug) printf("bad proc %x req ok? %d procs.count %zd\n", proc, req.ok()?1:0, procs.count(proc)); goto exit; } h = procs[proc]; assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&procs_m) == 0); if (debug) printf ("rpc %u (last_rep %u) from clt %u for srv instance %u \n", xid, rep_xid, clt_nonce, srv_nonce); if (nonce != 0 && srv_nonce != 0 && srv_nonce != nonce) { if (debug) printf("rpc for an old server instance %u (current %u) proc %x\n", srv_nonce, nonce, proc); rep1 << xid; rep1 << rpc_const::atmostonce_failure; chan.send(rep1.str(), channo); goto exit; } switch (checkduplicate_and_update(clt_nonce, xid, rep_xid, rep1)) { case NEW: // this is a new request if (counting) updatestat(proc); ret = h->fn(args, rep); rep1 << xid; rep1 << ret; rep1 << rep.str(); add_reply(clt_nonce, xid, rep1); chan.send(rep1.str(), channo); break; case INPROGRESS: // server is working on this request break; case DONE: // duplicate and we still have the response chan.send(rep1.str(), channo); break; case FORGOTTEN: // very old request; don't have response anymore if (debug) printf("very old request %u from %u\n", xid, clt_nonce); rep1 << xid; rep1 << rpc_const::atmostonce_failure; chan.send(rep1.str(), channo); break; } exit: dec_nthread(); } void rpcs::add_reply(unsigned int clt_nonce, unsigned int xid, marshall &rep) { assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&reply_window_m) == 0); // remember the reply for this xid. // ** YOU FILL THIS IN FOR LAB 1 ** assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&reply_window_m) == 0); } void rpcs::free_reply_window(void) { std::map >::iterator clt; std::list::iterator it; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&reply_window_m) == 0); for (clt = reply_window.begin(); clt != reply_window.end(); clt++) { for (it = clt->second.begin(); it != clt->second.end(); it++) { delete *it; } clt->second.clear(); } reply_window.clear(); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&reply_window_m) == 0); } rpcs::rpcstate_t rpcs::checkduplicate_and_update(unsigned int clt_nonce, unsigned int xid, unsigned int xid_rep, marshall &rep) { rpcstate_t r = NEW; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&reply_window_m) == 0); // check if xid is a duplicate, and if not update list of received xid, so // that checking and update is atomic. // fill in xid_rep if we have the reply (state is DONE) // ** YOU FILL THIS IN FOR LAB 1 ** assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&reply_window_m) == 0); return r; } rpcs::junk::junk(std::string xs, int xchan) : s(xs), chan (xchan) { } void rpcs::loop() { int oldstate; assert(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate) == 0); while(1){ std::string req; int channo; chan.recv(req, channo); if(req.size() < 8) continue; junk *j = new junk(req, channo); assert (pthread_mutex_lock(&delete_m) == 0); if (!deleting) { nthread++; if(method_thread(this, true, &rpcs::dispatch, j) == 0){ perror("rpcs::loop pthread_create"); nthread--; } } assert (pthread_mutex_unlock(&delete_m) == 0); } } int rpcs::bind(int a, int &r) { if (debug) printf("rpcs::bind called nonce %u\n", nonce); r = nonce; return 0; } void marshall::rawbyte(unsigned x) { s.put((unsigned char) x); } void marshall::rawbytes(const char *p, int n) { s.write(p, n); } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned char x) { m.rawbyte(x); return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, char x) { m << (unsigned char) x; return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned short x) { m.rawbyte(x & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff); return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, short x) { m << (unsigned short) x; return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned int x) { m.rawbyte(x & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 16) & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 24) & 0xff); return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned long x) { m.rawbyte(x & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 8) & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 16) & 0xff); m.rawbyte((x >> 24) & 0xff); return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, int x) { m << (unsigned int) x; return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, const std::string &s) { m << (unsigned int) s.size(); m.rawbytes(s.data(), s.size()); return m; } marshall & operator<<(marshall &m, unsigned long long x) { m << (unsigned int) x; m << (unsigned int) (x >> 32); return m; } bool unmarshall::okdone() { if(ok() && ((int)s.tellg() == (int)s.str().size())){ return true; } else { // an RPC request or reply was too short or too long. #if 0 unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *) s.str().data(); fprintf(stderr, "okdone failed len=%d %x %x %x\n", s.str().size(), p[0], p[1], p[2]); #endif return false; } } unsigned int unmarshall::rawbyte() { char c = 0; if(!s.get(c)) _ok = false; return c; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned char &x) { x = (unsigned char) u.rawbyte() ; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, char &x) { x = (char) u.rawbyte(); return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned short &x) { x = u.rawbyte() & 0xff; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, short &x) { x = u.rawbyte() & 0xff; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned int &x) { x = u.rawbyte() & 0xff; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned long &x) { x = u.rawbyte() & 0xff; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, int &x) { x = u.rawbyte() & 0xff; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 8; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 16; x |= (u.rawbyte() & 0xff) << 24; return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, unsigned long long &x) { unsigned int a, b; u >> a; u >> b; x = a | ((unsigned long long) b << 32); return u; } unmarshall & operator>>(unmarshall &u, std::string &s) { unsigned sz; u >> sz; if(u.ok()) s = u.rawbytes(sz); return u; } std::string unmarshall::rawbytes(unsigned int n) { char *p = new char [n]; unsigned nn = s.readsome(p, n); if(nn < n) _ok = false; std::string s(p, n); delete [] p; return s; } unsigned int unmarshall::i32() { unsigned int x; (*this) >> x; return x; } unsigned long long unmarshall::i64() { unsigned long long x; (*this) >> x; return x; } std::string unmarshall::istr() { std::string s; (*this) >> s; return s; } void make_sockaddr(const char *hostandport, struct sockaddr_in *dst){ char host[200]; const char *localhost = ""; const char *port = index(hostandport, ':'); if(port == NULL){ memcpy(host, localhost, strlen(localhost)+1); port = hostandport; }else{ memcpy(host, hostandport, port-hostandport); host[port-hostandport] = '\0'; port++; } make_sockaddr(host, port, dst); } void make_sockaddr(const char *host, const char *port, struct sockaddr_in *dst){ in_addr_t a; bzero(dst, sizeof(*dst)); dst->sin_family = AF_INET; a = inet_addr(host); if(a != INADDR_NONE){ dst->sin_addr.s_addr = a; } else { struct hostent *hp = gethostbyname(host); if(hp == 0 || hp->h_length != 4){ fprintf(stderr, "cannot find host name %s\n", host); exit(1); } dst->sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr; } dst->sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); }