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Lab #3 Step 0
Due: Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at 11:59PM


The purpose of this assignment is just to get you set up with the tools of the trade. You are asked to install them on your computer and use them for a couple of simple tasks.

No Partners

As the only goal of this assignment is to "Turn a very small wheel once", you are asked to do it by yourself. You'll have trouble contributing as an equal partner in the subsequent parts of this assignment, unless you can do something small-ish by yourself, to be sure.

Required Software

Please install the following software on your own computer, or confirm that it works for you in the WeH 5419CD cluster:

If working in Weh5419CD, Eclipse and the PlugIn are already installed, but you'll need to unip and configure hadoop. You'll probably want to put this into your "MyAFS" space, rather than on the Desktop, as the Desktops are local, per-machine and you mnight not get the same seat every time you go to work.

While you are downloading an unzipping things, also get your one choice of the following:

Your Tasks

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