Understanding Make

Why Make?

Its easy and efficient to build small projects with a compile command. For example,

cc myapp.c -o myapp. 

However, this method becomes very inefficient for large projects such as the ones you will be building in this class. For example, running

cc foo.c bar.c baz.c -o myapp 

when baz.c changes means you are wasting time compiling the other files. Ideally, you would like to only compile baz.c and then link it with the other object files. You could do this yourself, but make lets you automate it. The goal of make is to build your project with the minimum amount of work.

Basic Idea

You supply make with a file (whose default nameis " Makefile") which describes the dependenciesbetween files in your project and a method for satisfying each dependency. These dependenciesform a DAG - for example:
Now, when make is run, for each dependency, if the target file is older than the file it depends on, it will execute the method to bring the target file up to date. For example, suppose we change foo.h. Make will recognize that foo.o and bar.o depend on it and will recompile them. Next, it will relink myapp.

Simple Makefile

A makefile consists of one or more rules which have the form:

target : source(s) 

The first character of each command line must be a TAB. The makefile corresponding to the above graph is

myapp: foo.o bar.o baz.o
       cc foo.o bar.o baz.o -o myapp
foo.o: foo.c foo.h
       cc -c foo.c
bar.o: bar.c bar.h foo.h  baz.h
       cc -c bar.c
baz.o: baz.c baz.h 
       cc -c baz.c

Comments Any line beginning with a `#' is ignored by make.


One headache with makefiles is making sure that you have specified dependencies to header files correctly. Makedepend is a tool that will do this for you automatically. You run makedepend on all your source files:

makedepend foo.c bar.c baz.c and it will add the correct dependencies to Makefile. You can use the -MM option of gcc to do the same thing.


Makefiles can have macro definitions and uses. For example, with

CC    = gcc 
#CCOPT = -O2

foo.o: foo.c foo.h
       $(CC) $(CCOPT) -c foo.c

foo.c will be compiled for debugging or with optimization depending on which CCOPT isuncommented. Macros definitions can also be modified when they are used. For example,

OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o baz.o 
      makedepend $(OBJECTS:.o=.c)

will cause makedepend to be called on foo.c, bar.c and baz.c when the dep target is made.

Suffix Rules

Often, a project has many rules that have common commands applied to files with the same suffixes. For example, each of the .o files in our example depend on its parent .c file and is compiled with the same command. We can replace this with a suffix rule:

.c.o :
       $(CC) $(CCOPT) -c $*.c -o $@

$* is a special macro for the prefix the two files share and $@ contains the target name.

Default Rules

Make has a lot of built in defaults that are used when a user-defined rule can't be found. For example, it can infer that foo.o depends on foo.c and use a generic C compilation rule to update foo.o. In general, AVOID USING THE DEFAULT RULES.

A Menagerie of Makes

There are many different Makes with widely varying features. Perhaps the most popular alternate make is GNU Make, which has the advantage of having a manual freely available. Some makes exploit the parallelism of the dependency graph to distribute the make across a number of workstations.

To Learn More

A Larger Example

CC    = gcc 
#CC   = cc 
CPP   = g++ 
INC   = -ILEDA/incl 
            $(INC) $(LIB) 
#CCOPT  = -O2 $(INC) $(LIB) 

GENERALS  = cache.o disthandler.o \  
            internals.o dispatcher.o util.o \  
            builder.o group.o relation.o \  
            errprint.o diffmaprle.o aapair.o \  
            aablock.o stdrel_llb.o \  

DISPLAY   = display.o 

DISPLIBS  = -lP -lG -lL -lWx -lX11 -lm 

all: fung  

fung: libdist.a libfxtimers.a fung.o \   
      $(CPP) $(CPPOPT) fung.o \
      libdist.a libfxtimers.a \         
      $(DISPLAY) $(DISPLIBS) -o fung

libdist.a : $(GENERALS) $(INTERNALS)
      ar ruv libdist.a $(GENERALS) \           

$(DISPLAY): display.C
      $(CPP) $(CPPOPT) -c display.C \          
      -o $(DISPLAY)

.c.o :
       $(CC) $(CCOPT) -c $*.c -o $@

       makedepend $(INC) \         
       $(GENERALS:.o=.c) \           
       $(INTERNALS:.o=.c) \         