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#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      int status;
      int pid[2];
      int pipe_fd[2];

      char *prog1_argv[4];
      char *prog2_argv[2];

       * Build argument list

      prog1_argv[0] = "/usr/local/bin/ls";
      prog1_argv[1] = "-l";
      prog1_argv[2] = "/";
      prog1_argv[3] = NULL;

      prog2_argv[0] = "/usr/ucb/more";
      prog2_argv[1] = NULL;

       * Create the pipe
      if (pipe(pipe_fd) < 0)
        perror ("pipe failed");
        exit (errno);

       * Create a process space for the ls  
      if ((pid[0]=fork()) < 0)
        perror ("Fork failed");

      if (!pid[0])
           * Set stdout to pipe     
          close (pipe_fd[0]);
          dup2 (pipe_fd[1], 1);
          close (pipe_fd[1]);

        /* Execute the ls */ 
        execvp (prog1_argv[0], prog1_argv);

      if (pid[0])
         * We're in the parent 

         * Create a process space for the more
        if ((pid[1]=fork()) < 0)
          perror ("Fork failed");
        if (!pid[1])
           * We're in the child

           * Set stdin to pipe     
          close (pipe_fd[1]);
          dup2 (pipe_fd[0], 0);
          close (pipe_fd[0]);

          /* Execute the more */ 
          execvp (prog2_argv[0], prog2_argv);

        /* This is the parent */

        waitpid (pid[1], &status, 0);
        printf ("Done waiting for more.\n");

