import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class AdjList
        private LinkedList list[];
        private int num_vertices;

         * Constructor: Allocates right amount of space 
        public AdjList(int num_vertices)
                this.num_vertices = num_vertices;
                list = new LinkedList[num_vertices];

                 * initialize all of the linked lists in the array
                for (int index = 0; index < num_vertices; index++)
                        list[index] = new LinkedList();

         * add an edge to the graph
        public void addEdge(Edge new_edge)

         * remove a directed edge from the graph
        public void removeEdge(Edge remove_me)

         * Provide an edge (get me) with a start and finish, get
         * back an edge with the start, finish, and cost
	public Edge getEdge (Edge get_me)
		int index = list[get_me.getStartVertex()].indexOf(get_me);

		return (Edge) list[get_me.getStartVertex()].get(index);

         * Returns an iterator that contains the Edges leading to
         * adjacent nodes
	public ListIterator getAdjacencies (int vertex)
		return list[vertex].listIterator();

         * Feel free to make this prettier, if you'd like
        public String toString()
	  String temp = "";

  	  for (int index=0; index < num_vertices; index++)
	    temp = temp + index + ": " + list[index].toString() + "\n";  

	  return temp;

public class Edge { /* * This class models an edge from vertex X to vertex Y -- pretty * straightforward. * * It is a little wasteful to keep the starting vertex, since the * adjacency list will do this for us -- but it makes the code * neater in other places (makes the Edge independent of the Adj. List */ private int vertex_from; private int vertex_to; private int cost; public Edge(int vertex_from, int vertex_to, int cost) { this.vertex_from = vertex_from; this.vertex_to = vertex_to; this.cost = cost; } public Edge(int vertex_from, int vertex_to) { this.vertex_from = vertex_from; this.vertex_to = vertex_to; this.cost = 0; } int getStartVertex() { return vertex_from; } public int getDestinationVertex() { return vertex_to; } public int getCost() { return cost; } /* * considers two edges equal if they go to the same * vertex, regardless of their weight */ public boolean equals(Object other_edge) { return ( ((((Edge)other_edge).vertex_from == ((Edge)this).vertex_from)) && ((((Edge)other_edge).vertex_to == ((Edge)this).vertex_to)) ); } /* * Feel free to make this prettier, if you'd like. */ public String toString() { return "{" + vertex_from + "," + vertex_to + "," + cost + "}"; } }
import*; import java.util.*; /* * This class models a collection fo cities and roads. * It uses two graphs. One which keeps the distance of the roads * in miles as the cost of the edges. The other of which keeps the * expected travel time, in minutes, as the cost of the edges. */ class RoadMap { private class DijTableEntry { public boolean known = false; public int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE, path = -1; public String toString(){ String s = ""; if(known)s+="known"; else s+="unknown"; s+= " Distance: "+distance+" Path: "+path+"\n"; return s; } } private DataReader mapFile; // File abstraction for input file private String cityName[]; // City number to name mapping table private AdjList distanceMap; // Graph representing map w/cost as distance private AdjList timeMap; // Graph representing map w/cost as travel time private int getCityNumber (String givenCityName) { for (int index=0; index < cityName.length; index++) if (cityName[index].equals(givenCityName)) return index; return -1;//not found } /* * This creates the distanceMap and timeMap from a properly * formatted input file */ public RoadMap (String mapFileName) { try { mapFile = new DataReader (mapFileName); int numCities = mapFile.readInt(); distanceMap = new AdjList(numCities); timeMap = new AdjList(numCities); cityName = new String [numCities]; // Read city names into name:number mapping for (int index=0; index < numCities; index++) cityName[index] = mapFile.readWord(); } catch (Exception e) { // An error -- not much to do. System.out.println (e); return; } try { while (true) { String startCity = mapFile.readWord(); String destinationCity = mapFile.readWord(); int distance = mapFile.readInt(); int time = mapFile.readInt(); distanceMap.addEdge(new Edge( getCityNumber(startCity), getCityNumber(destinationCity), distance)); timeMap.addEdge(new Edge ( getCityNumber(startCity), getCityNumber(destinationCity), time)); } } catch (EOFException e) { } // Normal exit -- no more roads to map catch (Exception e) { // A real error -- not much to do. System.out.println (e); System.exit (-1); } } public DijTableEntry[] dijkstra (String start, boolean distanceNotTime) { AdjList a = timeMap; if(distanceNotTime)a = distanceMap; int size = cityName.length; DijTableEntry[] dijTable = new DijTableEntry[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;i++)dijTable[i] = new DijTableEntry(); //initialize the table //set the initial node int start_node = getCityNumber(start); if(start_node==-1){ System.err.println("Error, bad starting city"); return null; } dijTable[start_node].known = false; dijTable[start_node].distance = 0; dijTable[start_node].path = -2; //use this marker instead of -1 so we can distinguish //the starting node later on //potentially for each node, expand the closest one to the start int next; while((next = getMinDistance(dijTable)) != -1){ expand(next, dijTable, a); } return dijTable; } //helper function to get the closest remaining node private int getMinDistance(DijTableEntry []dijTable){ //initialize to the 'error node' int minnode = -1; //initialize to the same as the initial distance for node int mindist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //check every unknown node and get the one with //the smallest distance for(int i=0;i<dijTable.length;i++){ if(!dijTable[i].known && dijTable[i].distance < mindist){ minnode = i; mindist = dijTable[i].distance; } } return minnode; } //helper function to expand a node and update it's neighbors private void expand(int node, DijTableEntry []dijTable, AdjList graph){ //first mark this node as known dijTable[node].known = true; //get the length of the shortest path to this node int costToNode = dijTable[node].distance; //loop over all neighboring nodes for(ListIterator li = graph.getAdjacencies(node);li.hasNext();){ Edge e = (Edge)(; int neighbor = e.getDestinationVertex(); //if the neighbor has not been expanded and the //cost via this node is cheaper then update it //(technically we don't need to check if it's marked // since this path must be at least as big as the optimal one) if(!dijTable[neighbor].known && costToNode + e.getCost() < dijTable[neighbor].distance){ dijTable[neighbor].distance = e.getCost() + costToNode; dijTable[neighbor].path = node; } } } //helper to get the distance from i to j private int getdist(int i, int j){ Edge e = new Edge(i, j); e = distanceMap.getEdge(e); if(e==null)return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return e.getCost(); } //helper to get the time from i to j private int gettime(int i, int j){ Edge e = new Edge(i, j); e = timeMap.getEdge(e); if(e==null)return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return e.getCost(); } public void printPath (DijTableEntry []dijTable, String finish) { //first check the parameters if(dijTable==null){ System.err.println("Error, Dijkstra's algorithm failed"); return; } int node = getCityNumber(finish); if(node == -1){ System.err.println("Error: bad finishing city"); return; } if(dijTable[node].path==-1){ System.out.println("No path to "+finish); return; } if(dijTable[node].path==-2){ System.out.println("Start and finish at "+finish); return; } //it is easy to get the cities in reverse order, //so we'll put them in a stack to print in reversed reverse order Stack s = new Stack(); s.push(cityName[node]);//put in the last city //traverse the table backwards until we reach a node without a //predecessor (eg the starting node) while(dijTable[node].path >= 0){ //push onto the stack a string including the name of //city and weight to reach the next node s.push(cityName[dijTable[node].path]+ " --("+getdist(dijTable[node].path, node) +"mi, "+gettime(dijTable[node].path, node) +"h)--> "); //and repeat from the predecessor node = dijTable[node].path; } //check if we stopped prematurely if(dijTable[node].path != -2){ System.err.println("Error, dijkstra produced a bad table"); return; } //print out the reversed path, which is now the correct order while(!s.isEmpty()) System.out.print((String)(s.pop())); System.out.println(); } public String toString() { return "Distance\n\n" + distanceMap.toString() + "\n\n" + "Time\n\n" + timeMap.toString() + "\n\n"; } public static void main (String []args) { if(args.length < 2){ System.out.println("Please specify a data file, start city, and end city"); return; } RoadMap r = new RoadMap(args[0]); System.out.println("Computing smallest time"); r.printPath(r.dijkstra(args[1] , false), args[2]); System.out.println("Computing shortest distance"); r.printPath(r.dijkstra(args[1] , true), args[2]); } }