import*; import java.util.*; /* * This class models a collection fo cities and roads. * It uses two graphs. One which keeps the distance of the roads * in miles as the cost of the edges. The other of which keeps the * expected travel time, in minutes, as the cost of the edges. */ class RoadMap { private class DijTableEntry { /* * This class should contain a vertex's entry in * the table used by Dijkstra's algorithm. Basically, * it should be a row of this table (path, distance, known). * It should also contain conveniences such as toString() * You shoudl write this... */ } private DataReader mapFile; // File abstraction for input file private String cityName[]; // City number to name mapping table private AdjList distanceMap; // Graph representing map w/cost as distance private AdjList timeMap; // Graph representing map w/cost as travel time /* * Helper method to return city's number, given its name * The reverse mapping is done by indexing into the table * */ private int getCityNumber (String givenCityName) { for (int index=0; index < cityName.length; index++) { if (cityName[index].equals(givenCityName)) return index; } return -1; } /* * This creates the distanceMap and timeMap from a properly * formatted input file */ public RoadMap (String mapFileName) { try { mapFile = new DataReader (mapFileName); int numCities = mapFile.readInt(); distanceMap = new AdjList(numCities); timeMap = new AdjList(numCities); cityName = new String [numCities]; // Read city names into name:number mapping for (int index=0; index < numCities; index++) cityName[index] = mapFile.readWord(); } catch (Exception e) { // An error -- not much to do. System.out.println (e); return; } try { while (true) { String startCity = mapFile.readWord(); String destinationCity = mapFile.readWord(); int distance = mapFile.readInt(); int time = mapFile.readInt(); distanceMap.addEdge(new Edge( getCityNumber(startCity), getCityNumber(destinationCity), distance)); timeMap.addEdge(new Edge ( getCityNumber(startCity), getCityNumber(destinationCity), time)); } } catch (EOFException e) { } // Normal exit -- no more roads to map catch (Exception e) { // A real error -- not much to do. System.out.println (e); System.exit (-1); } } public DijTableEntry[] dijkstra (String start, boolean distanceNotTime) { /* * You should write this. * It should implement Dijkstra's algorithm to determine the * path from start to each other vertex. This path should * be stored (with distance) in a table, as we did in class. * This table is represented as an array of DijTableEntry * with one entry (row) per vertex. * * "distanceNotTime" is a boolean that indicates that the * which of the two map files should be used: distance if true, * time if false. * * "start" is the name of the start city. */ return dijTable; } public void printPath (DijTableEntry []dijTable, String finish) { /* * You should write this method. * Given a table produced by dijkstra() above, and a destination * it should clearly, cleanly, and neatly print out the * path from start to finish, including the milestones. * at each city in between. * * The start is not provided. This is not a mistake. It can be * determined form the table. * * Please note, this should print out the path from start to finish, * not backwards */ } /* * This is a really simple method. Please feel free to * do something nicer */ public String toString() { return "Distance\n\n" + distanceMap.toString() + "\n\n" + "Time\n\n" + timeMap.toString() + "\n\n"; } public static void main (String []args) { /* * Insert your test driver code here. Please submit your * test maps. * * Your test driver should demonstrate that your code can * produce the shortest route and the quickest route between * any pair of cities from a map. */ } }