 * This is a really trivial example of class than can be organized
 * using the BinarySearchTree. You should not use this. Instead,
 * you should implement your own -- something that is interesting
 * to you -- a databse of receipes, baseball players, cars, inventory 
 * record, &c.

class Food implements Comparable
  private String name; // This is the primary key: compareTo looks at it
  private String color; // This is just an attribute. It doesn't affect order

   * It is perfectly legal to have secondary and tertiary keys, such
   * as last name, then firstname, then middle initial. If you want to 
   * do this, then the compareTo() method needs to handle them appropriately.

   * This should print out your whole record in a nice, readbale way
  public String toString()
    return name + ": " + color;

   * You might want to have one or more constructors for your
   * class -- usual reasons
  public Food (String name, String color)
    this.name = name;
    this.color = color;
   * This is enables the database to keep things in order
   * it actually does the comparison...
  public int compareTo (Object f)
    return name.compareTo(((Food)f).name);

   * This is just an example of a mutator method for the database 
   * record -- it changes the color of the food.
  public void changeColor(String newColor)


 * This class implements a binary search tree.  It stores a reference to
 * the root node as its data
 * This class also contains a private subclass which is used to represent
 * the internal nodes of the tree
public class BinarySearchTree
   * class to represent an internal node of the binary tree
  private class BinaryNode
     * Declare instance variables for the BinaryNode class here
     * Hint: The user's record should be of type Comparable

     * A constructor for the BinaryNode class, takes in only the data
     * to be stored and sets the left child and the right child to
     * null
    public BinaryNode(Comparable data)
       * Insert you code here

     * Another constructor for the BinaryNode class, takes in the data
     * to be stored, a reference to the left child, and a reference to
     * the right child
    public BinaryNode(Comparable data, BinaryNode left, BinaryNode right)
       * Insert you code here

     * Returns a reference to the user's record
    private Comparable getData()
       * Insert you code here

     * Returns a reference to the left child
    private BinaryNode getLeft()
       * Insert you code here

     * Returns a reference to the right child
    private BinaryNode getRight()
       * Insert you code here

     * Changes the left child of the node
    private void setLeft(BinaryNode left)
       * Insert you code here

     * Changes the right child of the node
    private void setRight(BinaryNode right)
       * Insert you code here

     * Returns true if this node has no children,
     * false otherwise
    private boolean isLeaf()
       * Insert you code here

   * declare instance variables for the BinarySearchTree class here

   * Constructor for the BinarySearchTree class
  public BinarySearchTree()
     * Insert you code here

   * Inserts a new record into the right place within tree.
   * It should simply check parameters and wrap the recursive method.
  public void insert(Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here

   * Recursive method which inserts a new element
   * into the tree. The tree must stay ordered after
   * the new element has been added
  private BinaryNode insert(BinaryNode root, Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here

   * User method for finding an element in the tree.
   * It returns null if the data isn't found, or a reference
   * back to the data if it is found.
  public Comparable find(Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here
   * Recursive method which traverses the tree until
   * it either finds the data it is looking for, in which
   * case it returns a reference to that data, or hits the
   * end of a path, in which case it returns null.
  private Comparable find(BinaryNode root, Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here

   * This should check paramters and then call the recursive method
   * to handle the delete
  public void delete(Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here

   * Recursive method which removes an element
   * from the tree. The tree must stay ordered after
   * the element has been removed
  private BinaryNode delete(BinaryNode root, Comparable data)
     * Insert you code here

   * Hint: You may want to think about writing one or more helper
   * methods for your delete. This would be a good place to put
   * them, if you do.

   * This should print the content of the database in sorted order.
   * It should really be a wrapper for the recursive method below.
  public void printInOrder()
     * Insert you code here

   * Recursive method which performs an in-order
   * traversal of the tree. It should display the
   * tree's contents on the console
  private void printInOrder(BinaryNode root)
     * Insert you code here

   * This should print the content of the database in reverse sorted order.
   * It should really be a wrapper for the recursive method below.
  public void printInOrderBackwards()
     * Insert you code here

   * Recursive method which performs the opposite of an in-order
   * traversal of the tree. It should display the
   * tree's contents on the console in the opposite order as printInOrder()
  private void printInOrderBackwards(BinaryNode root)
     * Insert you code here


class Database
  public static void main (String []args)
     * This should be your database's user interface. It should
     * let the user add, delete, and find items. It should also
     * let the user do other things specific to your record type,
     * such as change certain values. 
     * It should also let the user print the whole database in 
     * sorted order 