15-100 Course Staff


Name: Gregory Kesden
Email: gkesden@cs.cmu.edu
Url: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~gkesden
Office: WeH 8020 (right in front of the elevators on the 8th floor)
Office phone: 412-268-1590
Office hours: 11:30 - 12:20MWF, 10:30-11:20TuTh
Please note: Office hours are those time that I reserve for students. But, I am a full-time teacher, with only limited responsibilities other than to my students. Please do feel free to call or drop by at other times. I'm here to help!

Course Assistants

  • Sara Barbour (sbarbour@andrew.cmu.edu)
  • Steve Thompson (sathomps@andrew.cmu.edu)
  • Office hours: (in the Wean 5419 cluster)
    • 7:30 - 10:30 Sunday - Thursday in WeH 5419 (15-100 or 15-100-enabled 15-200 TA)