class OrderedContainer { private Comparable[] items; private int count; private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 2; private static final int GROW_AMOUNT = 2; private static final String NL = System.getProperty ("line.separator"); public OrderedContainer () { count = 0; items = new Comparable[DEFAULT_SIZE]; } public OrderedContainer (int size) { count = 0; items = new Comparable[size]; } public String toString() { String retString = "Count: " + count + ", Length: " + items.length + NL; for (int index=0; index < count; index++) { retString += items[index] + NL; } return retString; } public int size() { return count; } /* * PROBLEM #1 * MODIFY THIS METHOD * that it always returns true by growing */ public boolean add(Comparable item) { if (count >= items.length) grow(); int hole = count; for ( ; hole > 0; hole--) { if (items[hole-1].compareTo(item) > 0) items[hole] = items[hole-1]; else break; } items[hole] = item; count++; return true; } /* * PROBLEM #3 * Complete this method so that it returns the _n_ items * beginning with the one provided (_start_), or nothing * if start is not there. * * HINT: You may want a getIndex helper method... */ private int getIndex(Comparable item) { int left = 0; int right = count-1; int pivot = left + (right-left)/2; while (right >= left) { int difference = items[pivot].compareTo(item); if (difference == 0) return pivot; if (difference > 0) left = pivot-1; else right = pivot+1; pivot = left + (right-left)/2; } return -1; /* int startingIndex = 0; for ( ; startingIndex < count; startingIndex++) { if (items[startingIndex].compareTo(start) == 0) break; } if (startingIndex == count) return -1; return startingIndex; */ } public OrderedContainer getNFrom (Comparable start, int n) { OrderedContainer newContainer= new OrderedContainer(n); // Find the starting place int startingIndex = getIndex(start); if (startingIndex == -1) return newContainer; // Found nothing // Copy the items for (int index=0; index < n; index++) { if ((startingIndex+index) == items.length) break; newContainer.add(items[startingIndex+index]); } return newContainer; // Found items } /* * PROBLEM #2 * MODIFY THIS METHOD... * so that the container is grown by EXACTLY TWO elements */ public void grow() { Comparable[] biggerItems = new Comparable[items.length+GROW_AMOUNT]; for (int index=0; index < count; index++) { biggerItems[index] = items[index]; } items = biggerItems; } public static void main (String[] args) { OrderedContainer oc = new OrderedContainer(); System.out.println ("****************************"); System.out.println ("***** THIS OUTPUT WILL NOT BE CONSISTENT UNTIL YOUR METHODS ARE CORRECT!"); System.out.println ("****************************"); System.out.println (""); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("***** Testing grow by two...notice the growth by exactly 2."); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("This container holds nothing (empty)."); System.out.println ("Should be Count: 0, Length: 2"); System.out.println (oc); System.out.println ("This container holds Apple, Banana, & Orange."); System.out.println ("Should be Count: 3, Length: 4"); oc.add("Orange"); oc.add("Apple"); oc.add("Banana"); System.out.println (oc); System.out.println ("This container holds Apple, Banana, Grapefruit, Orange, Pear, and Watermelon."); System.out.println ("Should be Count: 6, Length: 6"); oc.add("Watermelon"); oc.add("Pear"); oc.add("Grapefruit"); System.out.println (oc); System.out.println (""); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("***** Testing getNFrom(...)..."); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("1 from Apple is just Apple..."); System.out.println (oc.getNFrom("Apple", 1)); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("2 from Apple is Apple, Banana..."); System.out.println (oc.getNFrom("Apple", 2)); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("3 from Grapefruit is Grapefruit, Orange, Pear..."); System.out.println (oc.getNFrom("Grapefruit", 3)); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("3 from Pear (2nd to last) is Pear, Watermellon..."); System.out.println (oc.getNFrom("Pear", 3)); System.out.println (""); System.out.println ("2 from NonExistant is nothing..."); System.out.println (oc.getNFrom("NonExistant", 2)); System.out.println (""); } }