Feedback for Multiple Choice Quiz 36 #2

  1. DnaA does the actual opening, but HU, a small basic protein, is required to complex the DNA.
  2. The b subunit is the large ring-shaped protein ("sliding clamp" in Figs. 10.7 and 10.10 of Campbell). Can you name the proteins that perform the other four functions in this question?
  3. All four of the incorrect answers are major contributors to replication fidelity.
  4. Drug resistance is caused by mutation. Without a proofreading exonuclease, the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase is highly mutagenic.
  5. When a dU nucleotide is present in DNA, it is removed by an enzyme that hydolyzes the glycosidc bond, thereby releasing the uracil base.
  All of the correct answers have a green check mark.
  Incorrect answers have the "red-lit" button next to your choice.