Introduction to Cryptography


  • Define basic crypto terminology
  • Define the notion of perfect secrecy and explain its limitations
  • Summarize the importance of obtaining true randomness and challenges in doing so

Crypto history

  • How can substitution ciphers be broken?
  • What distinguishes modern cryptography from everything before 1945?
  • What differs between symmetric and asymmetric crypto?
  • What are some examples of “exotic” cryptography?

Crypto Goals

  • What three properties does a secure channel provide?
    • What makes them distinct?
    • Why do we need all three?
  • Symmetric Cryptography
    • What three algorithms constitute a symmetric key cipher?
    • How is correctness defined?
  • How does a one-time pad work?
    • What happens if you use it more than once?
    • Does it provide integrity?
  • Perfect Secrecy
    • How is it defined?
    • How can we achieve it?
    • What’s the “bad news” in the bad-news theorem?


  • Where does randomness play a role in secure systems?
  • How can randomness acquisition go wrong?
  • How can you obtain true randomness?