Return-Oriented Programming


  • Learn how ROP attacks work
  • Be able to execute a ROP attack
  • Analyze the implications of ROP for software defenses

ROP techniques

  • How can we implement shellcode with semantically equivalent gadgets?
  • How do we string together the execution of multiple gadgets?
  • How does standard disassembly work?
  • Compare/contrast intended vs. unintended gadgets
    • How do unintended gadgets arise?
    • How can we find them?
  • What are some examples of useful gadgets?
  • Stack pivots
    • What is it?
    • How does it work?
    • Why is it useful?
  • What do ROP attacks imply for the software defenses we’ve seen so far?
    • E.g., canaries, DEP, ASLR, sanitizing library functions