David Snoke

David Snoke, the newest member of the experimental condensed-matter group, arrived at Pitt University in September. He came here from Los Angeles where he had been a member of the technical staff of the Aerospace Corporation since December 1992. David, although originally from New Jersey, finished his high-school work in the Pittsburgh area, and having won a Westinghouse Science Honors Institute award, spent the summers of 1979 through 1982 working at the Westinghouse Research Laboratories. There he became acquainted with several of the local physicists. After completing his undergraduate work at Cornell, he did his graduate work at the University of Illinois, doing both experimental and theoretical problems for his Ph. D. thesis, which he completed in 1990. After Illinois, David spent the next two and a half years as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, one and a half years of which was as an Alexander von Humbolt Fellow. Returning to the United States at the end of 1992 David joined the technical staff at the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, where he remained until coming to Pitt in September. His interests in physics are both theoretical and experimental, working on problems associated with excitons in semiconductors, the free electron gas in gallium arsenide, nonequilibrium phonon systems, solutions to the nonlinear Boltzmann equation, and the weakly interacting Bose gas. His interests outside physics include skiing and playing the trombone, although with four children his nonworking hours are quite busy.

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