Telecommunications Management, 90-768, Summer 1997

This document was last modified on 5/21/97
Instructor: Ramayya Krishnan
Classroom: SEI Studio 
Office: 2109 HBH
Phone: 268-2174
Fax: 268-7036
Class Bboard: org.heinz.telecom
Teaching Assistant: Sumit Dutta Chowdhury

Sumit's Office Hours: TBA

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My name is Ramayya Krishnan. I am Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at The Heinz School. My teaching and research interests are in Decision Support Systems and Telecommunications Management.

My office is 2109A Hamburg Hall. You should also use the bboard and email to communicate with me and the TAs. Remember that all postings to the bboard are public. If you would like to send me a personal message, please use email.

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The grades will be based on two mid term exams, a final exam, final term paper and homework projects. The approximate breakdown is as follows.

The term paper can focus on managerial or technical issues related to Telecommunications. Appropriate topics include the impact of telecommunications on an industry or organization, proposals about how new enabling technologies (e.g, the Internet and the WWW) will make new applications or organizational forms possible, societal impacts (e.g., privacy issues) related to the introduction of this technology or will develop a detailed description of the technology. There are several neat ideas that can be explored in the OTA authored document on reengineering government services. The term paper will be a group project. Each group will consist of two students. The paper should be well researched and be original. Plan to make good use of the resources pointed to in the section on Textbooks and other resources. Its length should be about 25 pages. A brief overview of the term paper will be presented to the class.

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Exam and Term Paper Schedule

All term papers should be marked up in HTML. A HTML primer is available here . Brief overveiws of the term papers will be presented to the class on August 9. Each group should plan on a 15 minute presentation.

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If you have any comments, about the course or any other matter, send me email at

Ramayya Krishnan

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This page and its subordinate pages are copyright © 1995-1997 by Ramayya Krishnan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. They are made available only for non-profit educational use. All other rights are reserved.