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79-309 The Politics of American Military Recruitment: Historical Perspectives

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This course examines a number of major policy choices in recruiting American men and women into military service, and the political and cultural controversies that have surrounded those choices, from the late 18th century to today (with the focus on World War I to the present). The main topics to be covered all from a historical perspective -- will likely include most or all of the following: 1) the draft, the all-volunteer military, and the Reserves/National Guard as methods of military recruitment; 2) the exclusion/incorporation of African Americans, women, and gays into military service; 3) the recruitment and training of enlistees and draftees; 4) the recruitment and training of military officers; and 5) protest movements against military recruitment. The course will be discussion based and centered on analysis of required readings for each class. Evaluation of students performance will be based on: a) participation and leadership in class discussions, b) a mid-term and final exam, and 3) a term paper based on primary historical sources, or a critical book review, that elaborates one or more of the themes raised in class (approximately 2500 words).

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#477
Rank in this department:#21

  Students also scheduled
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85-221 Principles of Child Development
79-218 The Roots of Rock & Roll
88-221 Policy Analysis II

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm T Schlossman SH 220 Add course to my schedule
R Schlossman SH 220

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