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Study Aids for the Bach Choir

Audio Recordings Made at March 28 Rehearsal

Scorch Files


Tom Roberts

Below are links to several Scorch versions of  the Landlord piece by Tom Roberts.  The first version has balanced amplitude of all the voices.  Following are five versions in each of which, a single voice is emphasized.

Landlord (balanced version)




Landlord _baritone


Harlem Sweeties
Tom Roberts

Here also are links to versions of the Harlem Sweeties by Tom Roberts.   The first version has balanced amplitude of all the voices.  Following are five versions in each of which, a single voice is emphasized.

Harlem Sweeties

Harlem Sweeties Soprano

Harlem Sweeties Alto

Harlem Sweeties Tenor

Harlem Sweeties Baritone

Harlem Sweeties  Bass

Song of the Smoke

Song of the Smoke

Song of the Smoke Soprano

Song of the Smoke Alto

Song of the Smoke Tenor

Song of the Smoke Baritone

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

The Negro Speaks of Rivers--Baritone Only

Acknowedgements to Dan Kotcher who scanned the orginal score.

Comments to  Marvin Sirbu