Medical Robotics Projects 2007-2008
CERLAB, Carnegie Mellon University

3D Bone Shape Reconstruction

Gunay, M., M. Shim, and K. Shimada, gCost- and Time-effective Three-Dimensional Bone-Shape Reconstruction from X-ray Images,h the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 3, Issue 4 , pp.323-35, 2008.

3D AAA Shape Reconstruction

Shim, M., M. Gunay, and K. Shimada, gThree-Dimensional Shape Reconstruction of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm form Computer Tomography Images Using Extended Free-Form Deformation,h Computer-Aided Design, 10.1016/j.cad.2007.10.006, 2007.

Computer-Aided Hip Arthroscopy

Monahan, E. and K. Shimada, gA study of user performance employing a computer-aided navigation system for arthroscopic hip surgery,h International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, pp.245-52, 2007.
Monahan, E. and K. Shimada, gComputer-aided Navigation for Arthroscopic Hip Surgery Using Encoder Linkages for Position Tracking,h International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol.2, Issue 3, pp.271-8, 2006.

Motion-Teaching Encoder Chain

3D Ultrasound Image-Guided Biopsy

Kinematically Redundant Robot Manipulator

Contact: Professor Kenji Shimada (, 412.268.3614)