Academic Background

On May 2004 I graduated from the University of Miami (Miami, Fl) with a BS in Biomedical Engineering. I am currently enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University as a PhD  candidate in the Biomedical Engineering Department.

On December 2005, I received my MS degree at Carnegie Mellon University in Biomedical Engineering. For my master’s research I established the aims of the research, and designed and constructed a benchtop flow-loop system and protocol to  investigate flow dynamics through embolic protection filters. I designed the benchtop flow-loop system to be controlled by a custom LabView program and a National Instruments data acquisition card. The benchtop flow-loop system also includes pressure transducers, flow meters, a patient specific silicone carotid artery, and a  computer  for data acquisition. This flow-loop system, after minor modification,  is currently being used at the Vascular Biomechanics and Biofluids Laboratory headed by Ender Finol, PhD at Carnegie Mellon University to experimentally validate computational results and testing of synthetic artery models.  An additional component of my master’s research included developing a novel design for an embolic protection filter which addressed the problem of passing the filter guidewire through the anterior opening of a very small stenosis opening to access the posterior region of the stenosis for embolic filter deployment to prevent plaque from the carotid artery from entering the brain.


In 2006 I began my PhD research focused on designing a novel point of care device to diagnosis pressure ulcers. As part of my PhD research I established the aims of the research and work with my advisors towards constructing and testing a functional alpha prototype. 


Research Interests

My research interests include projects where I can apply my knowledge of engineering, biological sciences, creativity, and ingenuity to design and develop novel medical device and instrumentation and products in all areas of  in biomedical engineering research. I am also interested in entrepreneurship and commercialization.

Extracurricular Activities

Academic Organization:

I co-founded the Graduate Biomedical Engineering Society (GBMES) at Carnegie Mellon University in 2005. I served as the founding president until 2007. GBMES strives to provide support to its members, to promote comradery between its members, and to build a positive relationship between the Biomedical Engineering industry and faculty. In 2009 I served as the newsletter editor and the public relations chair. Honors received for my involvement in GBMES are listed below.



· 2009 National Biomedical Engineering (BMES) Student Chapter Commendable Achievement Award for GBMES   

· 2008 Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Honorable Mention






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Sanna Gaspard
