Table of Organization:


This is an effort to fill in some background on the organization of the Oberon's Engineering department. It is based some, but not all, on my Navy experience in the Engineering department of the USS Long Beach (CGN-9).

The Chief Engineer has four immediate subordinates:

1) the Main Propulsion Assistant (MPA), who is in charge of the warp and impulse drives, as well as the thrusters. Below the MPA are the W (warp drive), and IM (impulse and truster) Divisions, each with a division officer and Chief Petty officer, in addition to various enlisted personel.

2) the Damage Control Assistant (DCA), who manages minor day-to-day repairs and maintenance to the ships integrity, as well as training and organizing emergency repair parties and the ships fire department. Below the DCA are the A (auxilliary) and R (repair) Divisions, which maintains the ships integrity fields and service systems that don't use replicators (A-div) or do hull repairs and modifications, maintain the ships fire suppression systems, and such (R-div).

3) the Power Officer (PO), who controls energy distribution throughout the ship. Below him are the E-1 (energy distribution in the saucer section) and E-2 (energy distribution in the stardrive section) Divisions.

4) the Systems Officer (SO), who maintains the "high-tech" equipment on the ship. Below him are the SX (sensor-external), SI (sensor-internal), RT (replicator/transporter), and E-3 (everything else) Divisions.

Of the four, the MPA is typically the most senior, and would become "Acting Engineering Officer" in the event of the CEO's being unavailable.

On the Oberon, the names are:

CEO: Lt.(jg) Keegan Dacey, human female

Engineering is by far the largest department on the ship. They are also the people you are least likely to see; the jobs they do keep them deep in the nether regions of the ship, where few others seldom go.
Return to the Oberon.

Maintained By Greg Armstrong