(PWR) meeting today (thurs), 5:30 peter room

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 14:44:58 EST

Hey, we haven't had a meeting in two weeks, so yeah,
come by today, thursday 3/14, UC Peter Room.

Stuff to do:

* t-shirts are halfway done. and looking good.
  but, we need a cool design for the front.

* tabling; we're gonna do a lot of that soon.

  - This Saturday, 3/16:
      a grrl folk/punk activist show in the
      Connan Room, in the UC. Activist workshop
      at 7pm, bands at 8pm. We'll set up at 6:30pm.
  - the underground, and me (matt), rob, and other cool
    kids are playing, come out and support and table.
  - our upcoming events, see below....

* that's right, we have big events coming up.

  - Jim Keady & Leslie Kretzu: (http://www.nikewages.org)
     Wednesday, March 27th, 7:30pm, McConomy Auditorium

  - Living Wage Workshop and Movie: (http://www.enmassefilms.org)
     7pm, Porter Hall 100

We will be tabling at these events. Also, hopefully
at the Amnesty Event next wednesday (afghan women).
We need to finish our cool sweat-free tshirts and get
people signed up to work the table.

And, we need to start making flyers and promoting the
upcoming events.

In other news:

* tonight, "Axes of Evil" civil liberties talk,
  7:30pm, David Lawrence Hall, University of Pittsburgh.
  if you come to the meeting tonight you can walk down
  with us.
* Friday, "Happenstance" opening, Regina Miller Gallery, 6-9pm.
* Saturday, grrl punk rock activism show, Connan Room, UC, 7pm.

cool, tonight, 5:30, peter room, see you there.


| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
| to unsubscribe go to http://www.cmu.edu/lists

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