LMS Integration

LMS integration streamlines student access your DeltaV course. Students will access your course by clicking a special link in your LMS.


Instructions for LMS Administrators

We use LTI to connect DeltaV with learning management systems. LTI is a learning tools interoperability standard. It enables students to click a secure link in your LMS to access their learning materials in OLI.

The setup is entirely configuration based and does not require any direct communication between your LMS and the DeltaV system. First we exchange the unique information that enables integration—a key and secret—which you enter into your LMS. Next, the instructor creates a link from her LMS course to OLI. The LMS will encode some basic information about the student into that link (an user identifier, a course identifier, etc.), which our system will use to show the appropriate content.

A more thorough overview of integration is also available at the bottom of these instructions.
[ Jump to detailed overview ]

Please complete the steps below.


You will need to sign up for an account. We will associate your LTI key and secret with this account.


Please fill out and submit the form below. After we have processed your information, we will email you with information that you will need for the next step. You can expect a response the same day or the next business day.


Once we have processed the information that you submitted in step 2 and provided further details, follow the instructions for your LMS below.

Desire 2 Learn

Desire 2 Learn requires its LMS users to contact the account manager to facilitate LMS integration of external tools such as DeltaV courses. After filling out the form above, please contact your D2L account manager to start the integration process. Please keep DeltaV Support in the loop by emailing oli-help@lists.andrew.cmu.edu, and we will work with you and your account manager to get you up and running quickly.

Please email help


Students and instructors can access the DeltaV environment through an LTI compliant learning management system (LMS). LTI is a secure protocol for linking an LMS to an external learning tool and passing information about the LMS user to that tool.

LTI allows instructors to create a link from their LMS course to their DeltaV course. When the link is clicked, the LMS encodes parameters about the user into the link and redirects the user to OLI. DeltaV verifies the parameters provided by the LMS and directs the user to the appropriate DeltaV course. The user will see an DeltaV launch page within the LMS window from which they can access the various features of their course.

Student Access

Students accessing DeltaV through an LTI link are seamlessly connected to DeltaV. They do not need to remember a separate URL for accessing OLI. They also do not need to create an DeltaV account, enter a separate password or register for an DeltaV course. Students are able to work through the DeltaV course created by their instructor from within the LTI compliant LMS used at their institution. At this point in time, grades do not transfer from the DeltaV system to the LMS gradebook. DeltaV provides a separate gradebook, which can be viewed online or exported to Excel. Because these users do not have a separate DeltaV account ID and password, they are only be able to access their DeltaV course from within the LMS.

Integration After Students Have Begun Work in a DeltaV Course

DeltaV accounts with an ID/password are separate from LMS access. Therefore, to avoid confusion for students, we do not support LMS setups once students begin work in their DeltaV course. In these cases, it is advised that instructors add a regular web link from the LMS to OLI. When this regular linked is clicked, students will sign in to DeltaV using the DeltaV account ID/password.

LTI Plugins/Modules

Some LMS environments do not include or enable LTI functionality by default. The institution running the LMS is responsible for ensuring the necessary LTI LMS plug-ins/modules are properly installed and enabled. At minimum, to ensure a consistent and streamlined user experience, the LMS must be configured to identify the user and their role (student, instructor, teaching assistant) to OLI.

LTI allows links to be setup either by the LMS administrator or by individual instructors. Site-wide configuration by the LMS administrator is preferred for installations where multiple instructors will be accessing OLI. In practice, LMS configuration settings and/or institutional policies in some cases prevent instructors from using the LTI feature on their own. In such instances, the institution needs to provide their instructors with a technical contact who will interface with DeltaV and configure LTI links in the instructors’ LMS courses.