# display.py -- display forest # This file is provided as a partial implementation of PA10 import tkinter from tkinter import Canvas from random import * def display(forest, c): nrows = len(forest) ncols = len(forest[0]) colors = ["red", "#202020", "lightgreen", "green", "darkgreen"] for row in range(nrows): for col in range(ncols): c.create_rectangle(col * 20, row * 20, (col + 1) * 20, (row + 1) *20, fill = colors[forest[row][col]], outline = "black") c.update() # force new pixels to display def test_display(): n = 17 # for nxn matrix # seed the random number generator seed(15110) window = tkinter.Tk() # create a canvas of size 340 X 340 c = Canvas(window, width=n*20, height=n*20) c.pack() # initialize forest matrix randomly forest = [] for i in range(n): row = [] for j in range(n): row.append(randrange(5)) # pick a random tree state (0-4) forest.append(row) # display the forest using the display function display(forest, c)