Matthew Z Huber | Design Thinking

Das Sequentielle Tragwerk II

Date: Summer 2010

The project was completed as part of a summer research course under the professorship of Gramazio & Kohler, Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation, ETH Zürich in conjunction with Prof. Philippe Block, Block Research Group, ETH Zürich.

It was completed in collaboration with: Michael Knauß (instructor), Benz Hubler, Teresa McWalters, Jonas Epper, Jessica Knobloch, Sofia Georgakopoulou, Ralph Bärtschi, Michael Lyrenmann, Maria Vrontissi.

My role in the project primarily involved writing the rhinoscript (in python) that generated the geometry and developing the system by which the structure could be discretized into "chunks" and incrementally assembled. The design and assembly were performed collaboratively. Other tasks involved site analysis and structural optimization. The process from code to reality involved additive, digital fabrication using a multipurpose industrial robot, a technique being continually expanded through research at Gramazio & Kohler, Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation.

Final Installation:

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Additve robotic fabrication in process:

Hex Wall

Discrete "chunks" of the structure were fabricated roboticly and manually assembled on site:

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Hex Wall

Project Team:

Hex Wall