95-843 Service Oriented Architecture Quiz Two Preparation Quiz 2 Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Quiz two will be held during the first 20 minutes of class and will evaluate your understanding of these assigned readings. 1) Read chapter two of Newcomer. * Service delivery approaches * Application architecture * Line of Business services * Technical services * Service-level interface definitions * Service-level data model * Service-level interaction model * Service-level security model * Service-level management model * Granularity of business services * Service Contracts * Web Service Platform Profiles * Service Governance * SOA principles and guidelines * Key primary and secondary service characteristics * Advantages of open standards * SLA's and non-functional requirements * Design of data model and related interfaces * Design of compensation handling and services * Design for multiple invocation styles * Asynchronous messaging * Design stateless services * Legacy Gateway * Credit Suisse and AXA * SOA Business Benefits * Business agility * Managing IT assets 2) Read chapter three of Newcomer. * Key Elements of the Web Service Platform * Web Service Platform Principles * Line of business and technical services * Pre- and Post-Conditions on service operations * Interaction profile * WSDL service contract architecture * Achieving interoperable qualities of service * Service Level Data Model and Internal Data Model * Service domains and data models inconsistencies * Service Discovery - registration and lookup * Service-level interaction patterns * Request/Response and asynchronous business scenario * Publish/Subscribe Interaction Pattern * Event brokers * Atomic and Composite services * Skeleton and service proxy generation * Alternative transports to HTTP * A Retrospective (20 years of SOA) 3) Read "Evaluating an SOA" from CMU's SEI. See class schedule for link. 4) Be able to draw and label the four main integration styles. See the Enterprise Integration Patterns site. 5) Questions relating to Enterprise Integration Patterns: * Draw and discuss the Channel Adapter pattern. * Draw and discuss the Messaging Bridge pattern. * Draw and discuss the Composed Message Processor pattern. * Draw and discuss the Content Based Router design. * Draw and discuss the Control Bus pattern. * Draw and discuss the Test Message pattern. * Draw and discuss the Polling Consumer pattern. * Draw and discuss the Normalizer pattern. * Draw and discuss the Durable Subscriber pattern. * Draw and discuss the Remote procedure invocation pattern.