Jacks or Better   1x   Two Pair   3x   Three of a Kind   5x   Straight   15x   Flush   20x   Full House   25x   Four of a Kind   60x   Straight Flush   200x   Royal Flush   800x   
PLAY. Click DEAL. You will be dealt a new hand. For any card(s) you want to discard, click HOLD to deselect. DEAL will now have changed into DRAW. Click on this once you are done choosing cards. You will be dealt new cards to replace the ones you discarded. If you have a winning hand, a package containing the prize money will arrive at your doorstep with 3-5 business days. Now click DEAL for a new hand. BET. You must ante a certain amount of your cash to play. After clicking DEAL, you can increase your bet, but you cannot take back your ante. PAYOUT. Hover your mouse over the bar at the bottom to see how much each hand pays. All payouts are multiples of your bet. SHORTCUT. Keyboard shortcuts are available for your convenience under Options. Up, down, left, or right to change your bet. Spacebar to deal / draw. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to toggle hold each card individually. Or shift to toggle all.
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