import processing.opengl.*; // HW6 // Put the required comments below: // Jennifer Shin // Section D // // Copyright © Jennifer Shin March 2011 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 All Rights Reserved // Rachel Carr // no one /***************************************

Flying Around My Initial

Translation Controls:
----------------- [ up arrow ] move up ------------------
-- [left arrow] move left -- move right [right arrow] --
--------------- [ down arrow ] move down ----------------
-- [c] key - to move closer --- to move away - key [a] --
Rotation Controls:
-- Move sliders for x, y and z axis rotation
Other Controls:
-- [s] key or stop button to stop translation
-- [space] key or reset button to return to zero positions
-- [z] to zoom away from initial
-- [x] to return to original position before zoom
***************************************/ // Put Your Global Variables Here: float x, y, z, oldZ; float translateX, translateY, translateZ; float xRotation, yRotation, zRotation; float xRectX, xRectY, xRectWidth, xRectHeight, xTabX, xTabY, xTabWidth, xTabHeight; float yRectX, yRectY, yRectWidth, yRectHeight, yTabX, yTabY, yTabWidth, yTabHeight; float zRectX, zRectY, zRectWidth, zRectHeight, zTabX, zTabY, zTabWidth, zTabHeight; void setup( ) { size( 600, 600, OPENGL ); // The default frame rate of 60 is too fast when int values are used // to control translation and rotation. Using float values for // movement causes rounding errors that are unpleasant. By slowing // the frame rate down, movement with int values seems to look better. // Alter this as you wish but be careful... frameRate( 30 ); noStroke ( ); translateX = 0; translateY = 0; translateZ = 0; x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; xRectX = width / 6 - ( width / 2 ); xRectY = height / 24 - ( height / 2 ); xRectWidth = width / 3 * 2; xRectHeight = height * .025; xTabX = 0; xTabY = height / 30 - ( height / 2 ); xTabWidth = width / 60; xTabHeight = height / 24; yRectX = width *.93 - ( width / 2 ); yRectY = height / 6 - ( height / 2 ); yRectWidth = width *.025; yRectHeight = height / 3 * 2; yTabX = width * .4205; yTabY = 0; yTabWidth = width / 24; yTabHeight = height / 60; zRectX = width / 6 - ( width / 2 ); zRectY = height * .93 - ( width / 2 ); zRectWidth = width / 3 * 2; zRectHeight = height * .025; zTabX = 0; zTabY = height * .9205 - ( height / 2 ); zTabWidth = width / 60; zTabHeight = height / 24; } void draw( ) { // Alter the background to any value you wish: background( 0 ); // Call your functions to draw the controls and display the data here // before any rotations and translations: buttons ( ); distInitials ( ); rotInitials ( ); speedInitials ( ); // DO NOT ALTER THE NEXT LINE -- THIS SETS THE (O,0,0) POINT AT THE CENTER OF THE WINDOW translate( width/2, height/2, 0 ); // Call your function to change the translation and rotation variables here : rotateXAxis ( ); rotateYAxis ( ); rotateZAxis ( ); // If you want to experiment with the lighting functions, call the function here: lights ( ); // Call the translate( int, int, int) function here: transInitials ( ); // Call the three rotate functions here: rotateX ( radians ( xRotation ) ); rotateY ( radians ( yRotation ) ); rotateZ ( radians ( zRotation ) ); // Jim coded the drawAxis() function to guide you in placing your initials. // You can leave the call in your final version or delete it. // drawAxis( ); // Call your function to draw your initials here: drawInitials ( ); } void keyPressed( ) { // if ( key == 'j') // { // saveFrame("HW7.jpg"); // } if ( key == CODED ) { if ( keyCode == UP ) { translateY = translateY - 1; } else if ( keyCode == DOWN ) { translateY = translateY + 1; } else if ( keyCode == LEFT ) { translateX = translateX - 1; } else if ( keyCode == RIGHT ) { translateX = translateX + 1; } } else if ( key == 'a' ) { translateZ = translateZ - 1; } else if ( key == 'c' ) { translateZ = translateZ + 1; } else if ( key == 's' ) { translateX = 0; translateY = 0; translateZ = 0; } else if ( key == ' ' ) { translateX = 0; translateY = 0; translateZ = 0; x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; } else if ( key == 'z' ) { oldZ = z; z = z - 500; } else if ( key == 'x' ) { z = oldZ; } } void drawAxis( ) { fill( 255 ); // white horizontal bar x-axis box( 800, 5, 5 ); fill( 0, 0, 255); // blue vertical bar y-axis box( 5, 800, 5 ); fill( 255, 0, 0 ); // red bar pointing towards you z-axis box( 5, 5, 800 ); fill( 0, 255, 0 ); sphere( 20 ); // green sphere at the center of the window } void transInitials ( ) { x = x + translateX; y = y + translateY; z = z + translateZ; } void rotateXAxis ( ) { if ( mousePressed ) { if ( ( mouseX - width / 2 ) >= xRectX && ( mouseX - width / 2 ) < xRectX + xRectWidth && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) >= xRectY && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) < xRectY + xRectHeight ) { xTabX = mouseX - width / 2; } } fill ( 0, 255, 0 ); rectMode ( CORNER ); rect ( xRectX, xRectY, xRectWidth, xRectHeight ); fill ( 255, 255, 255 ); rect ( xTabX, xTabY, xTabWidth, xTabHeight ); xRotation = map ( xTabX, -200, 200, -360, 360 ); fill ( 0, 255, 255 ); textSize ( 14 ); text ( "Rotate About X-Axis", -170, -240 ); } void rotateYAxis ( ) { if ( mousePressed ) { if ( ( mouseX - width / 2 ) >= yRectX && ( mouseX - width / 2 ) < yRectX + yRectWidth && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) >= yRectY && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) < yRectY + yRectHeight ) { yTabY = mouseY - height / 2; } } fill ( 0, 255, 0 ); rectMode ( CORNER ); rect ( yRectX, yRectY, yRectWidth, yRectHeight ); fill ( 255, 255, 255 ); rect ( yTabX, yTabY, yTabWidth, yTabHeight ); yRotation = map ( yTabY, -200, 200, -360, 360 ); fill ( 0, 255, 255 ); textSize ( 14 ); text ( "Rotate About Y-Axis", 170, -210 ); } void rotateZAxis ( ) { if ( mousePressed ) { if ( ( mouseX - width / 2 ) >= zRectX && ( mouseX - width / 2 ) < zRectX + zRectWidth && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) >= zRectY && ( mouseY - height / 2 ) < zRectY + zRectHeight ) { zTabX = mouseX - width / 2; } } fill ( 0, 255, 0 ); rectMode ( CORNER ); rect ( zRectX, zRectY, zRectWidth, zRectHeight ); fill ( 255, 255, 255 ); rect ( zTabX, zTabY, zTabWidth, zTabHeight ); zRotation = map ( zTabX, zRectX, zRectX + zRectWidth, -360, 360 ); fill ( 0, 255, 255 ); textSize ( 14 ); text ( "Rotate About Z-Axis", -170, 290 ); } void buttons ( ) { fill ( 255, 0, 0 ); ellipseMode ( CORNER ); ellipse ( 25, 25, 50, 50 ); fill ( 0 ); textSize ( 14 ); text ( "STOP", 32.5, 45, 40, 40 ); fill ( 0, 255, 255 ); ellipseMode ( CORNER ); ellipse ( 25, 100, 50, 50 ); fill ( 0 ); textSize ( 12 ); text ( "RESET", 30, 120, 40, 40 ); if ( mousePressed ) { if ( mouseX >= 25 && mouseX <= 75 && mouseY >= 25 && mouseY <= 75 ) { translateX = 0; translateX = translateX; translateY = 0; translateY = translateY; translateZ = 0; translateZ = translateZ; } else if ( mouseX >= 25 && mouseX <= 75 && mouseY >= 100 && mouseY <= 150 ) { translateX = 0; translateY = 0; translateZ = 0; x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; xTabX = 0; yTabY = 0; zTabX = 0; } } } void distInitials ( ) { textSize ( 13 ); fill ( 0, 255, 255 ); text ( "Distance from: ", 15, 165 ); text ( "X: " + int ( x ), 15, 180 ); text ( "Y: " + int ( y ), 15, 195 ); text ( "Z: " + int ( z ), 15, 210 ); } void rotInitials ( ) { textSize ( 13 ); fill ( 255, 255, 0 ); text ( "Rotation About: ", 15, 225 ); text ( "X-Axis: " + int ( xRotation ), 15, 240 ); text ( "Y-Axis: " + int ( yRotation ), 15, 255 ); text ( "Z-Axis: " + int ( zRotation ), 15, 270 ); } void speedInitials ( ) { textSize ( 13 ); fill ( 255, 0, 255 ); text ( "Speed: ", 15, 285 ); text ( "X: " + int ( translateX ), 15, 300 ); text ( "Y: " + int ( translateY ), 15, 315 ); text ( "Z: " + int ( translateZ ), 15, 330 ); } void drawInitials ( ) { translate ( x, y, z ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .2, height * -.15, width * .1 ); fill ( 255, 0, 30 ); sphere ( width * .025 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .2, height * -.15, width * .1 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); sphere ( width * .05 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * -.3, width * .05); fill ( 250, 232, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * -.3, width * .05 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * -.35, 0 ); fill ( 250, 108, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * -.35, 0 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * -.30, width * -.10 ); fill ( 247, 5, 244 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * -.30, width * -.10 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.25, height * -.15, width * -.15 ); fill ( 250, 232, 2 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.25, height * -.15, width * -.15 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * -.02, width * -.2 ); fill ( 250, 108, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * -.02, width * -.2 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * .025, width * -.25 ); fill ( 247, 5, 244 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * .025, width * -.25 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * .07, width * -.2 ); fill ( 250, 232, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * .07, width * -.2 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .25, height * .20, width * -.15 ); fill ( 250, 108, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .25, height * .20, width * -.15 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * .35, width * -.10 ); fill ( 247, 5, 244 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * .15, height * .35, width * -.10 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * .40, width * -.05 ); fill ( 250, 232, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( 0, height * .40, width * -.05 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * .35, 0 ); fill ( 250, 108, 25 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.15, height * .35, 0 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.30, height * .25, width * .05 ); fill ( 247, 5, 244 ); box ( width * .04 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.30, height * .25, width * .05 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); box ( width * .08 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.30, height * .10, width * .10 ); fill ( 255, 0, 30 ); sphere ( width * .025 ); popMatrix ( ); pushMatrix ( ); translate ( width * -.30, height * .10, width * .10 ); fill ( 255, 150 ); sphere ( width * .05 ); popMatrix ( ); }