Thresholded Animated GIFs - 10/16/2007

These are animated GIFs for subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9 in the R1 series (data sent by Hanson, each dataset containing the same voxels, 54266 of them, with 3 spatial coordinates and 400 time swipe coordinates).

In this series you see a global threshold being applied to mean-centered time series. The procedure is this (for each subject):

1. Center the time series for each voxel in its mean.

2. Sort all entries in the time series dataset low to high and take the top 0.1 fraction of them. Return the least element of that top fraction as threshold t.

3. For each time step, select only voxels whose data entries exceed t. Plot the spatial coordinates for these.

4. String together these plots into an animated GIF.