Lab 7: Building a Dictionary (and working with Binary Search Trees)

Official Due Date: Wednesday December 10th, 23:59.

(Note: You may submit this lab with no penalty till 12/12/01)


Lab 7 will provide you an opportunity to get some practice with a recursive data structure, the binary search tree (BST). This is the last major data structure that 15-111 will explore. You need not code the dictionary as a class (although you can if you desire). For this lab, we want you to gain experience with the BST data structure as well as additional practice with recursive data structures and routines. 

What You'll Need

Download the file from the 15-111 course web site. You should see the following files:


You will implement a dictionary of over 170,000 words as a binary search tree. Your program must implement the following functionality: The smalldata.txt file will form a complete balanced tree of 15 nodes. The [p]rint option is to assist you in debugging your code on the small data file. It is suggested that you save the [d]elete routine until last! Recall from lecture that the easiest case to delete is a leaf node. Once you are sure you can delete a leaf, proceed to the one-child case and, ultimately, to the two-child case. Do NOT try to implement the entire delete routine all at once. 

Sample Output

Building Tree:
bigdata.txt or smalldata.txt ==> smalldata.txt
Just built tree with 15 nodes

Determining leaf depth frequency on 8 leaves:
        depth   count
        3       8

User Interface for Lab 7:
Find   a word ==> [f]
Add    a word ==> [a]
Delete a word ==> [d]
Quit program  ==> [q]
input:  q


Building Tree:
bigdata.txt or smalldata.txt ==> bigdata.txt
Just built tree with 172822 nodes

Determining leaf depth frequency on 57647 leaves:
        depth   count
        7       1
        8       9
        9       17
        10      45
        11      122
        12      252
        13      500
        14      895
        15      1346
        16      2046
        17      2969
        18      3813
        19      4658
        20      5141
        21      5540
        22      5523
        23      5302
        24      4736
        25      3901
        26      3041
        27      2481
        28      1781
        29      1335
        30      899
        31      533
        32      328
        33      208
        34      121
        35      58
        36      20
        37      12
        38      5
        39      7
        40      2

User Interface for Lab 7:
Find   a word ==> [f]
Add    a word ==> [a]
Delete a word ==> [d]
Quit program  ==> [q]
input:  q

Handing in your Solution

Your solution should be in the form of a .zip file and should contain all files (except bigdata.txt)
Use the Intro Programming dropoff form to submit your zip file.