The Public Relations / Web Design Committee has several functions in the Finance Club. We are looking to advertise our club to the student body and faculty and inform them of the ongoing projects and how they can participate. Many CMU students are under the impression that UFA is open mainly to Business Majors, which clearly is not the case. Our goal is to increase student body participation in UFA. The committee will achieve this end through a variety of methods, including email, creating posters, planning events with other associations, and advertising through our website.

The web design aspect will involve developing a comprehensive site providing news, events, project updates, and general information about the complicated field of finance. We look to develop content targeting undergraduate students with an interest in Finance but may have little to no background. The amount of useful information is limitless, and our goal is to give students access to information that will help them develop a career in Finance in the future.


Current Projects:

  • Research for basic finance materials
  • Developing the Finance Guide
  • Research hedge funds
  • Obtaining new server space