Welcome to Julie's Photo Album!

No voyeurs, please.
Here is my 1971 MGB, against the glorious Pittsburgh skyline (if you preferred the sales brochure picture, you're a loser, but you can still see it here).

 And here is my sweet kitty, Tofu 


And here is Toby, who doesn't usually sit still for cameras...


At last, what you've all been waiting for: a chronology of research sites from my dissertation work. Or, if you prefer, a slide show. These are a couple of the schools I visited in Zimbabwe where I conducted my research.
Is there a school there? trust me, there is
Most of the kids were happy to be part of the advancement of science. Also, they got out of class.
A boarding school near Mozambique.

And, from some travels years & years & years ago (or it seems that way, anyway), here is the first in a series of Julie-once-had-a-life shots.
The Great Wall of China in December

A Koranic school in Djenné, Mali, where the kids wash off their writing tablets in between lessons.

Boys get to go to school, while the girls do the work. These girls are getting water for washing. Their mother is storming out to make sure I give them a cadeau for taking their picture... (I did)

(more pictures of Mali)

In Morocco, here is a Tuareg man who hosted us for lunch one day, pouring tea

(more pictures of Morocco)

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