CMU Aiki JuJutsu
  HELLO! from
The CMUAJJ Members
Article I--Name
The name of this organization shall be the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club abbreviated CMU AJJ.
Article II--Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to promote self protection and defensive capabilities AND the control of physical and mental actions though the study of the martial arts, primarily aiki jujutsu.
Article III--Membership
The CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club does not discriminate in membership on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Eligibility. All students wishing to join the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club can obtain membership status. Active membership status is contingent upon payment of monthly dues and following the written guidelines of the club, given to individuals prior to becoming members.
Article IV--Offices
Within the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club, there are three offices: president, secretary, and treasurer.
Qualifications. In order to qualify for office, one must have participated in over one-fourth of the training sessions and over one-fourth of the events sponsored by the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club. In addition, for the office of president, the candidate and officer must be and maintain status as one of the top four ranking students of the club in the art of aiki jujutsu.
Term and Selection. The duration for the office is continual until the officer voluntarily resigns from the position or is removed by the Advisor or by a majority of the active membership. Voting shall be conducted within one month of an office being declared vacant. Selection of the officers shall be through the closed ballot, with all members being eligible to vote.
Advisor. The Advisor must hold the rank of Oku Iri or higher in the art of aiki jujutsu. In addition, the Advisor must annually participate in or observe a minimum of two training sessions and one of the events sponsored by the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club.
Article V--Officers & Duties
President. The President is responsible for:
  • Obtaining instruction for the training sessions of the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club.
  • Ensuring activities (training sessions and events sponsored by CMU AJJ) are conducted allowing for the purpose of the organization to be realized for that time period.
  • Primary contact with the sponsor and other organizations.
To this end, the president has the power to delegate authority and responsibility to members of the club as deemed necessary.
Secretary. The Secretary is responsible for:
  • Keeping accounts,
  • Depositing the organization's funds with the Accounts Director in the Office of Student Activities, and
  • Making expenditures as necessary.
Treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for:
  • Keeping accounts,
  • Depositing the organization's funds with the Accounts Director in the Office of Student Activities, and
  • Making expenditures as necessary.
Expenditures shall be made as recorded by the action item of the meeting minutes.
The treasurer may make expenditures without consent of the president, but must notify the president and secretary of the action within one week, so that the information may be recorded.
The treasurer is responsible for collection of dues from members.
Article VI--Amendments
Any proposals for amendments to this constitution must be sponsored by an officer or one of the top-four ranking students of the CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu Club. The proposal must be ratified by greater then one half of the active members and signed into action by the Advisor before becoming an ammendment. The Advisor has the power to veto the proposal.

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- we really suggest you stop by our class and talk to us -