SPGM - Simple Picture Gallery Manager ====================================== Tools:genthumb.bat.README v1.4.2 - genthumb.bat - This batch file automates thumbnail generation. It requires nconvert.exe to be installed before running it. Nconvert.exe is packaged with the free XnView program, available at http://www.xnview.com. You may need edit the script first, to provide the nconvert.exe installation directory or to change the picture type (creates thumbnails for jpeg pictures by default). Then just drop the script in the directory containing the pictures and launch it. WARNING: - Initially designed to run on all Windows platforms, there is a bug I can't figure out under win98. It has been successfully tested on win2000 though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to check the plug-ins/modules section from the website to find other useful tools that enhance SPGM's functionalities. http://spgm.sourceforge.net/?lg=us&id=modules