Wednesday Intermediate Class Fall 2003


International Waltz (routine):

            Long side:

1)      Reverse turn

2)      Closed change step

3)      Natural spin turn

4)      4-6 Reverse turn (to LOD)

5)      Progressive Chasse

6)      4-6 Natural turn

7)      R.F. Closed change step

Repeat steps 1-5, then:

8)      Back turning whisk

9)      Chasse from PP

10)  Hesitation change


Short side:

Steps 1-5, then 8-10



1)      Basic

2)      Hand change behind the back

3)      Stop and go

4)      Side passes (beginning and ending with under arm turn for lady)

5)      Kick ball change

6)      Stop and go w/ kick ball change entry

7)      Toe Heel Swivels

8)      Side passes w/ spin for lady


Quickstep (routine):

            Short side:

1)      Walk on LF (prep step ct 8)

2)      Quarter turn to R (SQQS)

3)      Progressive chasse (SQQS)

4)      Natural spin turn (underturned) (SQQSSS)


Long side:

5)      Progressive chasse (to DC) (SQQSS)

6)      Progressive chasse to R. and part of V6 (SQQS SQQ)

7)      Forward lock (SQQS)

8)      1-3 Natural turn (SQQ)

9)      Back lock (SQQS)

10)  Running finish (QQS)

*start over, minus prep step*


Samba (routine):

1)      1-4 Basic

2)      5-8 Whisks

3)      1-6 Samba walks

4)      7-8 Side samba walk

5)      1-8 Crisscross voltas

6)      1-8 Shadow bota fogos

7)      1-4 Maypole

8)      5-8 Corta jaca

9)      1-8 Solo spot voltas L. and R. (lady R. and L.)

*start over*


West Coast Swing:

1)      Sugar push

2)      L. side pass

3)      R. side pass

4)      Point step point (in place of anchor step)

5)      Whip

6)      Whip w/ inside turn

7)      Whip w/ outside turn

8)      Whip to triple and underarm throwout